Preview of events, workshops, and upcoming funding opportunities August-October 2023


  • German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) digital information event on doctoral funding on Wednesday, 20th of September at 19:00 pm

The German Academic Scholarship Foundation invites students and graduates from universities across Germany to an information event about scholarships for doctoral candidates. Scholarship holders will offer insights into the Foundation’s doctoral funding, describe the application process, and answer questions.

Outstanding and socially engaged doctoral candidates together with their supervisors can apply for doctoral scholarships. Ambassadors from the doctoral scholarship programme will provide information about the steps involved in the application process and what is included in the scholarships.

Further information about the event and registration can be found via the link below:

         This event will take place in German.


  • Information event with the Jakob Fugger Zentrum and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities on the 11th of October at 16:00 pm

The Jacob Fugger Zentrum at the University of Augsburg together with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Humanities is hosting an information afternoon on the Academy’s “Akademienprogramm.” The event will take place on the 11th of October 2023 at 16.00 pm in room 1005 (Building L at the university). As funding in the “Akademienprogramm” differs in several important ways from funding by the BMBF and the DFG, the event will provide information on the structure and conditions of funding as well as on the application process. There will be time at the end of the event to talk with the relevant contact persons from the BAdW.

The BAdW is the largest and the oldest as well as one of the strongest research academies out of the eight research academies in Germany. It conducts long-term research in the context of the joint “Akademienprogramm,” which serves to develop research into world-wide cultural traditions. The “Akademienprogramm” is currently the largest long-term research programme in Germany for fundamental research in the humanities and social sciences. Several positions associated with projects funded by the programme are already successfully in operation at Bavarian universities.

Interested parties are asked to register via the registration form available through the link. 

            This event will take place in German.


2. Faculty of Medicine’s “Expert talk”

on the 18th of October 2023 at 16:30 pm:


Why good scientific communication is a prerequisite for an open academy and why promoting it should be a strategic matter of necessity.

The speaker is renowned science journalist, author, and moderator Dr Jan-Martin Wiarda, who describes daily events in education, science, and politics in his “Wiarda Blog” and who was involved in the launch of the BMBF initiative #FactoryWisskomm in 2020.

In his talk, Dr Wiarda will take a cross-disciplinary look at the current role and significance of science communication in the German academic system, as well as at some best-practice examples and obstacles that stand in the way of successful scientific communication.

The talk will be followed by a panel discussion involving three academics alongside Dr Wiarda from different faculties and at different academic career stages. The discussion will focus on individual and disciplinary-specific experiences with science communication and will ask what needs to be made available to support academics in acquiring skills in science communication.

Hosted by the Faculty of Medicine and the Graduate Centre at the University of Augsburg, this event is part of an effort to establish cross-disciplinary connections among early career researchers. The event will be followed by a networking get together with drinks and snacks, where participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere.

Room 1201/1202 at the Centre for Climate Resilience, Building I / Campus of the University of Augsburg

To register:

The event will take place in German.

Download Flyer


Online Seminar for doctoral students: "Good Scientific Practice and Reproducible Research" (24 and 25 November 2023 and 19 January 2024)


The course will clarify what good scientific practice in economics looks like (with a focus on quantitative empirical research). It also discusses how to make your own research reproducible. This is important because economics journals and research funders increasingly require that project-related data and analyses be published. This is to facilitate the verifiability of research results and to enable the subsequent use of the data.

Contents and dates of the seminar
In the online seminar, we show how programme codes and research data should be structured and prepared according to the guidelines of renowned journals. We give an overview of the requirements of the most important funders, various journals and publishers as well as learned societies in economics. Last but not least, you are invited to perform a reproduction or replication yourself.

The event is organised by the University of Hamburg as part of the WiSo doctoral programme in cooperation with the ZBW (Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft).

The dates of the seminar are as follows:

    Fr., 24.11.23, 10:00-16:00 CET

    Sat., 25.11.23, 10:00-14:00 CET

    Fr., 19.01.24, 09:00-max 18:00 CET

Please register via


Graduate Centre Workshops August October 2023:


16th and 17th of August 2023
Academic career planning and development (in German)

(Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers). Online
Information and registration

20th and 27th of October 2023

Academic Writing Workshop: From Research to Writing (in English)
(Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers). Online
Information and registration



  • The Bavarian Academic Forum’s yearly colloquium on the 12th of October 2023 at the University of Augsburg: 
    Networking in the health care sector: financing, care, and training
    More information on the event and registration can found via the link: BayWISS Jahreskolloquium
  • Falling Walls Science Summit 2023 (79 November 2023, Berlin)


Doctoral candidates

  • Fulbright doctoral programme (Apply now for a residency in the United States that begins between the 1st of January and the 30th of June 2024.)

Doctoral candidates and postdocs

  • DAAD funding for academic participation in international academic conferences (Applications can be made at any time.)
  • Max Weber Foundation Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase (Application deadline: 6th of October 2023)
    Once a year the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to humanities and social science academics with an international focus in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History in Israel (please also note the current notice in the grant announcement). The total term of funding shall not exceed three months. Placements (at most one month per host country, shorter stays are possible) are to be used for research, especially in libraries and archives. Academics are expected to produce transnational and transregional studies, providing research with new and original ideas. The research placements should ideally be completed within 12 months, or at most 24.For more information about funding details, application requirements, and award selection criteria:
    Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants: Max Weber Stiftung


Doctoral candidates in the final stages of their dissertation and postdocs

  • DESY Fellowship in experimental particle physics (Application deadline: 30th of September)



  • Fulbright scholarships for academics with a doctorate (professors, lecturers, and junior research assistants). Applications must be submitted at least nine months before the start of the planned residency.
  • Daimler and Benz Foundation fellowship programme to support postdocs und junior professors 2024
    The fellowship programme is aimed at early career researchers in the early postdoctoral phase of their career. It is open to all disciplines and topics. (Application deadline: 1st of October 2023)
  • Volkswagen Foundation scoping workshops
    The Volkswagen Foundation’s funding enables researchers in any discipline with a doctorate at a German university to hold a working meeting with approx. 30 researchers to further develop their area of research (Application deadline: 26th of October 2023).
  • Researching academic research: summer schools and workshops
    Funding offered by the Volkswagen Foundation to run a summer school or workshop for doctoral and post-doctoral researchers on academic research (Application deadline: 1st of January 2024)


Junior professors and early career research group leaders
  • Henriette Herz Scouting Programme for the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung
    Zoom information event on the programme on the 26th of September 2023, 14:00 pm15:30 pm
  • Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024-2025 for Research at Israeli Universities in STEM, Humanities, and Social Sciences (Application Deadline: 15 November, 2023)

    The two-year Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship supports up to 24 international scientists and scholars to conduct postdoctoral research in any academic discipline at eligible institutions in Israel. At the time of application, all applicants are required to have an academic sponsor who is a faculty member at one of the eligible Israeli institutions.

    The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship - Call for Applications - The Azrieli Foundation


Recently tenured professors (three to five years after taking up their first tenured professorship)

  • Momentum – Funding for Recently Tenured Professors offered by the Volkswagen Foundation (Application deadline: 24th of April 2024)
    The funding offer is aimed at professors three to five years after taking up their first tenured professorship at a university and is open to all disciplines. The program is also open to professors of all nationalities. The prerequisite is that they hold a tenured professorship at a university in Germany. Funding will be granted for strategic concepts aimed at further developing the content of a professorship. Individual research projects will not be funded. Successful Momentum concepts will be funded in two phases: After a first (implementation) phase of four years, the concepts are evaluated and, if successful, established at the respective institution (faculty/university) in a second (consolidation) phase of two years. A maximum of 800,000 EUR (1st phase) and 200,000 EUR (2nd phase) (plus 10 % overhead costs in each phase) can be requested. The goal of the initiative is to open up opportunities at an early stage following the appointment to the first tenured professorship to advance the content and strategic development of the professorship.
    More information on the funding offer is available here:  Momentum - Funding for Recently Tenured Professors Volkswagen Stiftung
