Get additional skills
By successfully completing your studies, you will gain the qualifications that you need to start your professional life. In addition, the University of Augsburg offers you the opportunity to gain additional interdisciplinary qualifications by participating in a wide range of courses
Learning languages
All students at Augsburg University, regardless of whether they can contribute foreign language courses as part of their degree programme, have the opportunity to take language courses at the Language Centre on a voluntary basis.
The web pages of the Language Centre provide information on details and the current courses on offer.

Profile building
What possibilities are there to increase one's own chances on the global labour market? How can I make my profile attractive to potential employers? Which interdisciplinary competences will help me personally and professionally?
Our Career Service provides tips on how to sharpen your own profile.

Intercultural key qualification
Five reasons why you should acquire the Certificate for Intercultural Key Qualifications: You get to know foreign and German students. You learn how to deal successfully with people from other cultural backgrounds. You acquire additional qualifications that are indispensable in a globalised working world. You will receive all these qualifications certified by the university. You improve your foreign language or German skills.

IT courses
Every semester, you have the opportunity to benefit from courses offered by the Computer Centre. There are usually courses from the Microsoft Office package, namely Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access.

Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern
The Virtual University of Bavaria (vhb) is a network of 31 universities in Bavaria. Students can take the numerous online courses at no additional cost. Credit points can also be awarded for some courses. Thus, the vhb not only serves your private further education, but also your studies.

Karriere und Lebensplanung Verbinden = KLeVer
KLeVer is the University of Augsburg's workshop programme that supports and accompanies in particular young female academics in their careers. KLeVer stands for "Connecting career and life planning" (Karriere und Lebensplanung Verbinden). The majority of the programme is also open to young male academics. Participation in the workshops is also open to students.