Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nils Meyer

Junior Professor
Data-driven Product Engineering and Design
Phone: +49 821 598-69223
Room: 3015 (W)
Address: Am Technologiezentrum 8, 86159 Augsburg



Since 2022   Juniorprofessorship Data-Driven Product Engineering and Design at MRM
2021-2022    Post-Doc at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (within IRTG GRK 2078)

2018-2021    Research Assistant at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (FAST Lightweight design)

- Doctoral degree obtained in international research training group GRK 2078 with research stays in Canda

- Dr.-Ing. Höfler-Award for best doctoral thesis in 2021

2015-2017    Master's in Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

- Research stays in Hong Kong (HKUST) and Canada (Western University)

- Redtenbacher Award for best Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2017

2011-2015    Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

- Internships at Volkswagen AG and Audi AG

- Scholarships by "Studienstifung des deutschen Volkes" and "Schroff-Stiftung"


Research Interests

  • Development of virtual process chains as digital twin of a component life cycle
  • Structural optimization of components
  • Development of fast approximation models for manufacturing effects in composites
  • Integration of life cycle analysis to structural optimization

Courses / teaching

(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Nils Meyer | course types: all)
name lecturer semester type language
Structural Optimization Meyer

Nils Meyer

summer semester 2024 Vorlesung + Übung englisch


2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019


Florian Wittemann, Alexander Bernath, Nils Meyer and Luise Kärger
Anisotropic warpage prediction of injection molded parts with phenolic matrix

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Julian Greif, Philipp Lechner and Nils Meyer
Fast approximation of fiber reinforced injection molding processes using eikonal equations and machine learning

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Nils Meyer and Stefan Panzer
Inverse computation of local fiber orientation using digital image correlation and differentiable finite element computations

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Nils Meyer, Sebastian Gajek, Johannes Görthofer, Andrew Hrymak, Luise Kärger, Frank Henning, Matti Schneider and Thomas Böhlke
A probabilistic virtual process chain to quantify process-induced uncertainties in Sheet Molding Compounds

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Nils Meyer
Fast approximation of fiber reinforced injection molding

BibTeX | RIS | URL

Nils Meyer
Virtuelle Prozessketten: vom Validierungswerkzeug zum datengetriebenen Design

BibTeX | RIS | URL


Nils Meyer, Henrik Werner, Julian Seuffert, Sarah Dietrich, Christian Poppe, Constantin Krauß and Luise Kärger
A benchmark for fluid‑structure interaction in hybrid manufacturing: coupled Eulerian‑Lagrangian simulation

BibTeX | RIS

Florian Rothenhäusler, Nils Meyer, Simon Wehler, Martin Hohberg, Maik Gude, Frank Henning and Luise Kärger
Experimental and numerical analysis of SMC compression molding in confined regions - a comparison of simulation approaches

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Julian Karl Bauer, Philipp Lothar Kinon, Jonas Hund, Lisa Latussek, Nils Meyer and Thomas Böhlke
Mechkit: a continuum mechanics toolkit in Python

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Nils Meyer, Sergej Ilinzeer, Andrew N. Hrymak, Frank Henning and Luise Kärger
Non-isothermal direct bundle simulation of SMC compression molding with a non-Newtonian compressible matrix

BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Nils Meyer, A. N. Hrymak and L. Kärger
Modeling short-range interactions in concentrated Newtonian fiber bundle suspensions

BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Nils Meyer, L. Schöttl, L. Bretz, A. N. Hrymak and L. Kärger
Direct Bundle Simulation approach for the compression molding process of Sheet Molding Compound

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Nils Meyer, Oleg Saburow, Martin Hohberg, Andrew N. Hrymak, Frank Henning and Luise Kärger
Parameter identification of fiber orientation models based on direct fiber simulation with smoothed particle hydrodynamics

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Johannes Görthofer, Nils Meyer, Ludwig Schöttl, Anna Trauth, Malte Schemmann, Pascal Pinter, Benedikt Fengler, Sergej Ilinzeer, Martin Hohberg, Tarkes Dora Pallicity, Luise Kärger, Kay A. Weidenmann, Peter Elsner, Frank Henning, Andrew Hrymak and Thomas Böhlke
Compression molding of the demonstrator structure

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Johannes Görthofer, Nils Meyer, Tarkes Dora Pallicity, Ludwig Schöttl, Anna Trauth, Malte Schemmann, Martin Hohberg, Pascal Pinter, Peter Elsner, Frank Henning, Andrew Hrymak, Thomas Seelig, Kay A. Weidenmann, Luise Kärger and Thomas Böhlke
Motivating the development of a virtual process chain for sheet molding compound composites

PDF | BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Johannes Görthofer, Nils Meyer, Tarkes Dora Pallicity, Ludwig Schöttl, Anna Trauth, Malte Schemmann, Martin Hohberg, Pascal Pinter, Peter Elsner, Frank Henning, Andrew Hrymak, Thomas Seelig, Kay A. Weidenmann, Luise Kärger and Thomas Böhlke
Virtual process chain of sheet molding compound: development, validation and perspectives

BibTeX | RIS | DOI
