Prof. Dr. Mónica Benito

Quantum information and quantum computing
Phone: +49 (0) 821 598 3228
Room: 517 (R)
Open hours: upon request
Address: Universitätsstraße 1 (Physik Nord), 86159 Augsburg

Current lectures

(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Mónica Benito González | course types: all)
name home institute lecturer semester type language
Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten Quantum Computing Lehrstuhl für Quantenalgorithmik Bincoletto

Davide Bincoletto,


Jakob Siegfried Kottmann,

Benito González

Mónica Benito González

summer semester 2024 Arbeitsgemeinschaft englisch


2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Erika Kawakami, Jiabao Chen, Monica Benito und Denis Konstantinov
Blueprint for quantum computing using electrons on helium

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Miguel Bello, Mónica Benito, Martin J. A. Schuetz, Gloria Platero und Géza Giedke
Entangling nuclear spins in distant quantum dots via an electron bus

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Christoph Adelsberger, Mónica Benito, Stefano Bosco, Jelena Klinovaja und Daniel Loss
Hole-spin qubits in Ge nanowire quantum dots: interplay of orbital magnetic field, strain, and growth direction

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Stefano Bosco, Mónica Benito, Christoph Adelsberger und Daniel Loss
Squeezed hole spin qubits in Ge quantum dots with ultrafast gates at low power

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X. Croot, X. Mi, S. Putz, Mónica Benito, F. Borjans, G. Burkard und J. R. Petta
Flopping-mode electric dipole spin resonance

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Mónica Benito und Guido Burkard
Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor systems for quantum technology

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Jorge Cayao, Mónica Benito und Guido Burkard
Programmable two-qubit gates in capacitively coupled flopping-mode spin qubits

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Mónica Benito, Xanthe Croot, Christoph Adelsberger, Stefan Putz, Xiao Mi, Jason R. Petta und Guido Burkard
Electric-field control and noise protection of the flopping-mode spin qubit

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Mónica Benito, Jason R. Petta und Guido Burkard
Optimized cavity-mediated dispersive two-qubit gates between spin qubits

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X. Mi, Mónica Benito, S. Putz, D. M. Zajac, J. M. Taylor, Guido Burkard und J. R. Petta
A coherent spin–photon interface in silicon

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Mónica Benito, Xiao Mi, Jacob M. Taylor, Jason R. Petta und Guido Burkard
Input-output theory for spin-photon coupling in Si double quantum dots

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Georg Engelhardt, Mónica Benito, Gloria Platero, Gernot Schaller und Tobias Brandes
Random-walk topological transition revealed via electron counting

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Georg Engelhardt, Mónica Benito, Gloria Platero und Tobias Brandes
Topologically enforced bifurcations in superconducting circuits

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Mónica Benito, Carlos Sánchez-Muñoz und Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
Degenerate parametric oscillation in quantum membrane optomechanics

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Mónica Benito, Martin J. A. Schütz, J. Ignacio Cirac, Gloria Platero und Geza Giedke
Dissipative long-range entanglement generation between electronic spins

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Mónica Benito, Michael Niklas, Gloria Platero und Sigmund Kohle
Edge-state blockade of transport in quantum dot arrays

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Mónica Benito, Michael Niklas und Sigmund Kohler
Full-counting statistics of time-dependent conductors

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Georg Engelhardt, Mónica Benito, Gloria Platero und Tobias Brandes
Topological instabilities in ac-driven bosonic systems

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Michael Niklas, Mónica Benito, Sigmund Kohler und Gloria Platero
Transport, shot noise, and topology in AC-driven dimer arrays

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Mónica Benito und Gloria Platero
Floquet Majorana fermions in superconducting quantum dots

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Mónica Benito, Álvaro Gómez-León, Victor Bastidas, Tobias Brandes und Gloria Platero
Floquet engineering of long-range p-wave superconductivity

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