New research article „Using digital technology to promote higher education learning: The importance of different learning activities and their relations to learning outcomes”
Do teacher educators actually exploit the potentials of digital technologies to enhance pre-service teachers’ knowledge and skill acquisition? Christina Wekerle, Martin Daumiller and Ingo Kollar have tackled that question in their research article „Using digital technology to promote higher education learning: The importance of different learning activities and their relations to learning outcomes“, which was recently published in the Journal of Research on Technology in Education. The results draw an ambigious picture: On the one hand, students reported to be more likely to adapt a more passive role in technology-enhanced teaching situations compared to situation in which no technology was used. On the other hand, digital technologies were also very often used to enable more constructive and interactive learning. Particularly interactive learning activities were consistently positively associated with students’ knowledge and skill acquisition. You can find the research article here: Wekerle, C. & Daumiller, M., & Kollar, I. (2020). Using digital technology to promote higher education learning: The importance of different learning activities and their relations to learning outcomes. Journal of Research on Technology in Education.