Prof. Dr. Peter Welzel

Head of Chair
Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics
Phone: +49 821 598 - 4185
Fax: +49 821 598 - 4230
Room: 2411 (J)
Address: Universitätsstraße 16, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum Vitae

Peter Welzel, born in Kempten in 1958, is Head of the Chair of Economic Policy and Industrial Economics since January 1, 2000. As a scholarship holder of the German National Academic Foundation, he completed his diploma studies in economics in Augsburg in 1984 and subsequently studied for two years as a McCloy Scholar at the John F. Kennedy School of Government and at the Economics Department of Harvard University, where he earned the academic degree of Master of Public Administration in 1986. At the then Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Augsburg, Peter Welzel received his PhD in 1990 for his dissertation on strategic trade policy and habilitated in 1996 with a thesis on the theory of economic policy. He gained experience outside the university, among others, at Ekonomski Biro (Belgrade), the Deutsche Bundesbank (Frankfurt), the International Monetary Fund (Washington) and McKinsey & Co.

In 1999, he was appointed Professor of Empirical Methods in Economics at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena after working at chairs in Munich and Augsburg. Peter Welzel declined a call to the chair of economics, in particular microeconomics and industrial economics, at the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in 1999 and accepted the call to his current chair instead.

In 1990, he was awarded the University Prize of the University of Augsburg for his dissertation. Together with Günter Lang, Peter Welzel received the Science Award of the University of Linz and the Oberbank in 1998. He has obtained major third-party funding from the German Research Foundation, the Foundation of Bavarian Cooperatives, and the Infineon AG. His current research interests are in theoretical and empirical industrial economics, with a focus on the financial services sector. He is a member of the Committees on Industrial Economics and on Foreign Economic Theory and Policy of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik) and of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Economic Association for Business Administration (GEABA). In 2016, he was the local organizer of the annual conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik in Augsburg.

One of Peter Welzel's special concerns is the support of young academics. He is one of the initiators and part of the steering committee of the Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE). Together with Thilo Pausch (Deutsche Bundesbank) and Thomas Gehrig (University of Vienna), he organizes an annual workshop on banking and financial markets for young academics.

Peter Welzel's teaching program includes in particular general economic policy, industrial economics and information economics, as well as competition policy and regulation. In addition to the Business Administration and Economics programs, he is also involved in Global Business Management and in cooperative programs with other faculties such as Law and Business Studies and Industrial Engineering. He was part of the founding team of the MBA program Corporate Management and has been the Academic Director of the continuing education program offered by ZWW and the Faculty of Business and Economics for many years. He regularly teaches at the Université Rennes I as a visiting professor.

Furthermore, Peter Welzel is intensively involved in university self-government. He was a member of the Faculty Council and the Senate or the Extended University Management for many years and was Dean of the Faculty of Economics from 2001 to 2002 and from 2011 to 2015. Since October 1, 2015, he has been Vice President for Research and International Relations at the University of Augsburg.


Outside the university, Peter Welzel has been involved in selection procedures and summer academies of the Studienstiftung as well as in the selection committee for the Benelux Countries, France and the Iberian Peninsula at the DAAD for years. In Augsburg, together with the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, he has organized the Augsburg Economic Discussion since 2000.


2024 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 | 1982


Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Hedging and the regret theory of the firm

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Sabine Tamm and Peter Welzel
Internationalität und Universität

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Regret aversion and asymmetric price distribution

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Ambiguity preferences, risk taking and the banking firm

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Udo Broll, Xu Guo and Peter Welzel
Risk sharing markets and hedging a loan portfolio: a note

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Marita Krauss, Wolfgang Reif, Werner Schneider and Peter Welzel (eds.)
Wissenschaft und Kreativität: eine Selbstvergewisserung

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Peter Welzel
Zulagen für den kleinen Amadé? Anreize und Wettbewerb im Hochschulsystem

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Expectation dependence: the banking firm under risk

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Regret theory and the competitive firm revisited

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
The impact of regret on exports

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Udo Broll, Simone Raab and Peter Welzel
Credit derivatives

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Exchange rate risk and the impact of regret on trade

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Futures hedging with basis risk and expectation dependence

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Udo Broll, Xu Guo, Peter Welzel and Wing-Keung Wong
The banking firm and risk taking in a two-moment decision model

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Price risk and risk management in agriculture

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Susanne Warning and Peter Welzel

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Peter Welzel and Thilo Pausch
Regulation, Credit Risk Transfer with CDS, and Bank Lending

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Thilo Pausch and Peter Welzel
Regulation, credit risk transfer, and bank lending

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Also available at SSRN:

Simone Raab and Peter Welzel
The economics of regional demarcation in banking

BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Peter Welzel
Anforderungen an die Wettbewerbspolitik

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Peter Welzel
Korreferat: Stadler, M., Neubecker, L.: Endogenous Merger Formation and Welfare

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Lilia Filipova-Neumann and Peter Welzel
Reducing asymmetric information in insurance markets: cars with black boxes

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Simone Raab and Peter Welzel
The economics of regional demarcation in banking

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Also published in: Schmalenbach Business Review, volume 63 (2011), pages 120–144 ;


Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Export and strategic currency hedging

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Susanne Warning and Peter Welzel

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Susanne Warning and Peter Welzel

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Lilia Filipova-Neumann and Peter Welzel
Unternehmen und Märkte in einer Welt allgegenwärtiger Computer: das Beispiel der Kfz-Versicherer

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Michael Higl and Peter Welzel
Intra-firm coordination and horizontal merger

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Lilia Filipova and Peter Welzel
Reducing asymmetric information in insurance markets: cars with black boxes

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Also published in: Telematics and Informatics, Volume 27, Issue 4, November 2010, Pages 394-403 ;


Peter Welzel
Ein besonderes Jubiläum: 30. Augsburger Konjunkturgespräch

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Udo Broll and Peter Welzel
Hedging versus variable Verzinsung: Management des Refinanzierungsrisikos

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Peter Welzel
Rahmenbedingungen der Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland: Bayerisch-Schwäbische Wirtschaft

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Udo Broll and Peter Welzel
A note on hedging a loan portfolio

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Peter Welzel and Udo Broll
Bankrisiko und Risikosteuerung mit Derivaten

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Peter Welzel and Udo Broll
Kreditderivate und Risikomanagement

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Udo Broll, Gerhard Schweimayer and Peter Welzel
Managing credit risk with credit and macro derivatives

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Revised version published in: Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 56, October 2004 ; available at SSRN:


Udo Broll and Peter Welzel
Bankrisiko und Risikosteuerung mit Derivaten

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Auch erschienen in: Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 32 (2003), Seite 506 - 510

Udo Broll, Thilo Pausch and Peter Welzel
Credit risk and credit derivatives in banking

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Thilo Pausch and Peter Welzel
Credit risk and the role of capital adequacy regulation

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Udo Broll and Peter Welzel
Risikomanagement mit Kreditoptionen

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Karl Morasch and Peter Welzel
Emergence of electronic markets: implication of declining transport costs on firm profits and consumer surplus

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Auch erschienen als: Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe ; 196

Karl Morasch and Peter Welzel
Emergence of electronic markets: implication of declining transport costs on firm profits and consumer surplus

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Also published in: Verbundtagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2000, ISBN: 3-8265-7998-4, pp. 56-67

Peter Welzel
Ubiquitous Computing – von der Vision zu ökonomischen Konsequenzen

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Peter Welzel
Überlegungen zur Betrachtung der IT-Sicherheit aus gesamtwirtschaftlicher Sicht

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Peter Welzel
Elektronisches Geld - Herausforderung für die Wirtschaftspolitik?

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Mergers among German cooperative banks: a panel based stochastic frontier analysis

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Auch erschienen als: Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe ; 167, Augsburg: Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, 1997

Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Mergers among German cooperative banks: a panel-based stochastic frontier analysis

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Udo Broll, Peter Welzel and Kit Pong Wong
Strategic hedging

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Peter Welzel
Das Argument der "strategischen" Handelspolitik - was ist geblieben?

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Ekkehard von Knorring and Peter Welzel
Effiziente Umweltauflagen durch abgabenorientierte Sanktionierung?

BibTeX | RIS

Auch als: Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe ; 170

Peter Welzel

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Peter Welzel
Software-Piraterie - Anmerkungen aus ökonomischer Sicht

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Peter Welzel
Strategische Handelspolitik: zu den ökonomischen Grenzen neo-protektionistischen Handelns

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Technology and cost efficiency in universal banking: a "thick frontier"- analysis of the German banking industry

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Reinhard Blum and Peter Welzel
Unvollständigkeit formaler Systeme und Wohlfahrtsmaximierung: über die Bedeutung von Gödels Satz für das ökonomische Denken

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Helmut Hesse and Peter Welzel (eds.)
Wirtschaftspolitik zwischen gesellschaftlichen Ansprüchen und ökonomischen Grenzen: Festschrift für Reinhard Blum zum 65. Geburtstag

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
X-Ineffizienz: Meßkonzepte und Ergebnisse für den deutschen Bankensektor

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Peter Welzel
Die Umsatzsteuer als Massenverbindlichkeit: ein Vergleich der Konkursordnung mit der ab 1.1.1999 geltenden Insolvenzordnung

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Zugl.: Augsburg, Univ., Diss., 1997

Ekkehard von Knorring and Peter Welzel
Effiziente Umweltauflagen durch abgabenorientierte Sanktionierung?

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Peter Welzel and Günter Lang
Größe und Kosteneffizienz im deutschen Bankgewerbe

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Mergers among German cooperative banks: a panel-based stochastic frontier analysis

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Neuere Fassung erschienen in: Diskussionspapier / Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena / Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät : Reihe B ; 1999/3, sowie in: Small Business Economics 13(1999), Heft 4, Seite 273–286 ;

Peter Welzel and Günter Lang
Non-parametric efficiency analysis in banking: a study of German universal banks

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Peter Welzel
Oligopoly and exchange rates

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Peter Welzel
Quadratic objective functions from ordinal data - towards more reliable representations of policymakers´ preferences

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Efficiency and technical progress in banking: empirical results for a panel of German co-operative banks

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Peter Welzel
Fiscal policy in the United States: an informal presentation and some results from time series analyses

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Peter Welzel
Gemeinwohlorientierung im Oligopol: Wirkungen einer Berücksichtigung von Konsumenteninteressen

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Peter Welzel
Globalisierung - Bedrohung oder Chance?

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Peter Welzel
Kosten- und Größeneffizienz im Bankgewerbe: "Data Envelopment Analysis" der bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

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Peter Welzel
Rationale Wirtschaftspolitik mit und ohne Gegenspieler: Überlegungen zur Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Size and cost efficiency in universal banking: empirical analysis of the German banking industry

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Cord Jakobeit, Ute Sacksofsky and Peter Welzel (eds.)
The United States and German American relations through German eyes

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Cord Jakobeit, Ute Sacksofsky and Peter Welzel (eds.)
The United States and German-American Relations Through German Eyes

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Why is the number of banks in Germany declining? Evidence on size and cost efficiency in German universal banking

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Peter Welzel
Commitment by delegation: what is "strategic" about strategic alliances?

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Reinhard Blum and Peter Welzel
Principles of economic policy in the common market

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Peter Welzel
Quadratic objective functions from ordinal data: towards more reliable representations of policymakers' preferences

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Peter Welzel
Strategic trade policy with internationally owned firms

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Strukturschwäche oder X-Ineffizienz? Cost-Frontier-Analyse der bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Technology and cost efficiency in banking: a "thick frontier"-analysis of the German banking industry

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Wachstum oder Kostenmanagement? Erfolgsstrategien für die bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Zur Effizienz der bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

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Peter Welzel
Das Theorem vom Zweitbesten

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Efficiency and technical progress in banking: empirical results for a panel of German co-operative banks

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Peter Welzel
Oligopolistic tragedies: national governments and the exploitation of international common property

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Peter Welzel
Oligopolistische Tragödien: nationale Regierungen und die Ausbeutung internationaler Allmendegüter

BibTeX | RIS | DOI

Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Skalenerträge und Verbundvorteile im Bankensektor: empirische Bestimmung für die bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

BibTeX | RIS

Auch ersch. als: Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe ; 109

Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Skalenerträge und Verbundvorteile im Bankensektor: empirische Bestimmung für die bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

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Auch erschienen in: Ifo-Studien, 40 (1994), Seite 155 - 177

Peter Welzel
Stichwörtereinträge im Bereich "Industrielle Organisation"

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Peter Welzel
Strategic trade policy with internationally owned firms

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Karl Morasch and Peter Welzel
Strategische Allianzen: Wettbewerbsbeeinflussung durch Kooperation

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Strukturschwäche oder X-Ineffizienz? Cost-Frontier-Analyse der bayerischen Genossenschaftsbanken

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Peter Welzel
Zur zeitlichen Kausalität von öffentlichen Einnahmen und Ausgaben: empirische Ergebnisse für Bund, Länder und Gemeinden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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Peter Welzel
Causality and sustainability of federal fiscal policy in the United States

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Cord Jakobeit, Ute Sacksofsky and Peter Welzel (eds.)
Die USA am Beginn der neunziger Jahre: Politik, Wirtschaft, Recht

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Peter Welzel
Hegemon oder "geschrumpfter Riese"? Die neuere US-Handelspolitik aus spieltheoretischer Sicht

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Peter Welzel
Zur zeitlichen Kausalität von öffentlichen Einnahmen und Ausgaben: empirische Ergebnisse für Bund, Länder und Gemeinden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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Peter Welzel
A note on the time inconsistency of strategic trade policy

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Budgetdefizite, Wahlzyklen und Geldpolitik: empirische Ergebnisse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1962-1989

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Peter Welzel
Commitment by delegation or: what's "strategic" about strategic alliances?

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Peter Welzel
Hysterese im Außenhandel

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Peter Welzel
Oligopolistic tragedies: national governments and the exploitation of international common property

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Peter Welzel
Strategische Interaktion nationaler Handelspolitiken: freies Spiel der Kräfte oder internationale Organisation?

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Peter Welzel and Hermann Locarek
Angebotsgestaltung für Repetitorien bei asymmetrischer Information

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Günter Lang and Peter Welzel
Budgetdefizite, Wahlzyklen und Geldpolitik: empirische Ergebnisse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 1962-1989

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Peter Welzel
Strategische Handelspolitik: nationale Anreize und internationale Koordinationsaufgaben

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Peter Welzel
Strategische Interaktion nationaler Handelspolitiken: freies Spiel der Kräfte oder internationale Organisation?

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Peter Welzel
A note on the time consistency of strategic trade policy

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Peter Welzel
Die Harmonisierung nationaler Produktionssubventionen in einem Zwei-Länder-Modell

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Peter Welzel
Strategische Effekte ertragsorientierter Entlohnung in Oligopolen

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Auch ersch. als: Arbeitspapiere zur Strukturanalyse ; 56


Klaus Hüttinger, Ekkehard von Knorring and Peter Welzel
Unternehmensgröße und Beschäftigungsverhalten: ein Beitrag zur empirischen Überprüfung der sogenannten Mittelstands- bzw. Konzentrationshypothese

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