We offer a wide spectrum of courses. Details can be found in the University of Augsburg „digicampus“ system. Working group members and external lecturers teach basics as well as current developments in applied geoinformatics. There are courses in Bachelors, Masters and PhD level.
Selected courses
GIS & Kartographie II / GIS & Cartography II
Learn how to produce basic thematic maps in Desktop GIS

Spatial Analysis with GIS
Learn how to easily solve complex spatial problems

Geodata Analysis
Generate, process and visualize geodata using microcontrollers, scripting languages and Desktop GIS

Visual Geo Data Mining (VGDM)
Discover possibilities to visually mine your geo datasets

Scientific Events in Geoinformatics
Visit scientific conferences in order to catch up on current developments in applied geoinformatics

Geoinformatics Project
Do project work on topics like the augmented reality sandbox