Vortrag von Dr. Juan Hiriart

"History Playgrounds: A Game Designer’s Journey Developing Games for History and Archaeology“

am Dienstag, 9. Februar 2021.

Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums Klassische Archäologie berichtet Dr. Juan Hiriart (Senior Lecturer in Interactive Media Art and Design/School of Arts and Media University of Salford) über die Erstellung und Anwendung eines Lern-Spiels zum frühmittelalterlichen England. Der Vortrag ist Teil der Reihe „LAN – Local Archaeological Network: Antike und Video-Spiele“ des Kolloquium Klassischen Archäologie.


In this presentation, I would like to give an overview of my practice-based work researching games as forms for the communication of archaeological and historical knowledge. I would like to start this presentation with “Saxon”, an educational game about the early medieval period of Britain, developed as part of my PhD research. This game was developed iteratively with the collaboration of archaeologists, historians and history educators, being integrated and tested in a primary school at a later stage. Secondly, I will present the project “Woman of Waterloo,” a board-game designed to communicate the role of women in the Napoleonic wars. Despite that this period has been portrayed mostly as a male effort, as many as 4,000 women reportedly accompanied the British army as ‘camp followers’. Using this project as a case study, I will reflect on the design challenges posed by representing the past through games, focusing on the capacity of this medium to engage players empathically and affectively with the past. Finally, I will reflect on the representation of material culture in digital games. For this, I will look into my own experience as a game designer and analyse systems found in different commercial video-games. Through these case studies, I will discuss possible design perspectives and approaches to convey the multi-layered meanings that characterise the relationship between humans and their material culture.


© Dr. Juan Hiriart (University of Salford)

am 09.02.2021
um 14.15 - 15.45 Uhr
Der Vortrag findet digital via Zoom statt.
Anmeldung erfolgt über das Kolloquium Klassische Archäologie unter: arch.sek@philhist.uni-augsburg.de.
