In the interest of increased transparency in the awarding of long-term scholarships from the state funds for the realization of equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, the Standing Commission for Research and Young Academics, together with the Office for Equal Opportunities and the university women's representatives, has revised and written down the award criteria for the scholarships.


I. Target group

  • Women at the UniA who are working on a post-doctoral research project after successfully completing their doctoral degree
  • Women at UniA who are in the initial or final stages of their post-doctoral work
  • Excellent young female academics at the UniA (including excellent female doctoral candidates)

II. general conditions

  • The funding period is one year. A 3-month extension is only possible in justified exceptional cases.
  • The scholarship is intended for living expenses in order to be able to fully concentrate on the scientific project for the duration of the funding.
  • Partial scholarships, e.g. in combination with half-time employment or 50% parental leave, are possible.
  • A participation of the scholarship holder in teaching for the duration of the scholarship is desired, 2 SWS are recommended.
  • Deviating from this, a paid teaching activity of up to 2 SWS in excess of the recommended teaching activity may be carried out. The fact that this does not affect the qualification work supported by the scholarship must be justified.
  • The amount of any other funding will be deducted from the above amounts.
  • It is expected that at least one seminar of the KLeVer program will be attended during the funding period

 III. funding amounts (monthly)

  • Scholarship for female postdoctoral researchers 2.400€
  • Habilitation scholarship 2.400€
  • Scholarships for excellent young academics 1.500€.
  • Childcare supplement: 200€ for the first child and 100€ for each additional child under the age of 12

IV. Award criteria / Points system

In the interest of increased transparency in the awarding of long-term scholarships from the state funds for the realization of equal opportunities for women in research and teaching, the Standing Commission for Research and Young Academics, together with the Office for Equal Opportunities and the university women's representatives, has revised and written down the award criteria for the scholarships.


1. Academic qualification (0-8 points)

Doctoral or Master's degree grade (1-2 points); scientific publications (1-2 pts); other qualifications (1 point); third-party funding acquired or participation in the submission of third-party funding applications (1-2 pts); awards acquired (1 point)



2. Faculty recommendation and expert opinion/ Letter of recommendation (0-3)

with reasons for a) expected professorial ability; b) why, despite efforts, there is no other funding option for the project


3. Affiliation to a professorship with little or no endowment (0-2)

good endowment (0 points), very low (1 point), none at all (2 points)


4. Determination to advance one's own academic career (0-3)

e. g. participation in KLeVer courses (1 point), participation in other courses (scientific methods; career planning or similar) (1 point), memberships of research groups, professional associations or similar (1 point)


5. Family responsibilities (0-2)

Raising children, caring for relatives

no corresponding obligations (0 points), obligations (1 point), very high burden (2 points)


6. Scientific and socio-political or voluntary commitment (0-1)


->  A maximum of 20 points is achievable


In the event of a tie, those applicants will be given preference in those faculties where the proportion of women is below the average at Augsburg University. Furthermore, in the longitudinal view, an even distribution of scholarships between the faculties is aimed.

