10 December
Do you want to take a break and get some exercising in during your time at the library? Then, BibA:ctive is just the right thing for you.
If you look around the university library, you will see stickers with QR codes that look like the picture on the right on many tables.
When you scan these QR codes, you will get to various exercises that will provide an active break for your mind and body.
Click here here to get more information about the project.

During the pandemic, most people are spending more time in front of the computer than ever before. To bring some movement into your home office or digital classroom, StudyA:ctive shows you many different exercises that will activate both, your body and your mind and help you to continue working with new energy.
On the right side, you can see a sample video.
Click here to get more information and all the videos.
Minipause: A
Kategorie: Kräftigung
CampusA:ctive is set to become another part of UniA:ctive. So, stay tuned and see what we will create for you in this upcoming year.