Augsburg Teil des neuen Robotics Institute Germany
Die Universität Augsburg als Spitzenstandort für KI-basierte Produktion spielt als assoziierter Partner eine aktive Rolle im Aufbau und der Weiterentwicklung des Robotics Institute Germany (RIG). Das RIG wird vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung für vier Jahre mit bis zu 20 Millionen Euro gefördert.
Elisabeth André in Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften aufgenommen
Die Augsburger Wissenschaftlerin Prof. Dr. Elisabeth André wurde in die Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, acatech, aufgenommen. Die renommierte Informatikprofessorin ist eine führende Wissenschaftlerin zum Thema Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion und Leibniz-Preisträgerin. Als Akademiemitglied berät sie künftig Politik und Gesellschaft in technikwissenschaftlichen und technologiepolitischen Fragen der Zukunft.
Cobots as a door opener into industry for people with autism spectrum disorder?
In an initial study, researchers from the AI Production Network at the University of Augsburg investigated the behavioral patterns of neurotypical employees and employees with autism spectrum disorder in direct collaboration with cobots in an industrial context. Several Italian partners were involved, such as the Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato (STIIMA-CNR), the Catholic University of Milan, the University of Bologna and the scientific institute Eugenio MEDEA project. The results show the advantages of a workplace adapted to the respective needs and are intended to be the starting point for greater attention to physical and mental health in Industry 4.0. They were published in the international journal "Frontiers in Psychology".
Focus on employees: How avatars can strengthen human-cobot collaboration
Details and links can be found under "Read more".
When digital stress can also be positive
Workshop on Latest Advances in Diversifying Artificial Intelligence
Dissertation defence of Katharina Weitz
Content Creation for Virtual Environments
With the beginning of the summer semester, the new course "Content Creation for Virtual Environments" starts. This course focuses on the creation and design of virtual, interactive 3D worlds and addresses the interface between art and computer science. Dr. Hannes Ritschel will cover artistic basics, the creation of three-dimensional graphical content, game art design and sounds, creativity and immersion. We are looking forward to the results!
New psychological support avatar for smartphones
As part of the EmmA project, the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Augsburg has developed a coaching assistant avatar designed to provide psychological support in times of occupational stress. It can recognise a user’s emotional moods via their mobile device and react appropriately in real time. The avatar is based on machine learning and complex data processing. The results of the project will be used in a follow-up study with people suffering from depression and is also part of an international collaborative project aimed at providing vulnerable people with access to personalised psychosocial services.
The University of Augsburg to Present AI Research at the AI.BAY Conference in Munich
The University of Augsburg is participating at the first Bavarian International Conference on AI, AI.BAY 2023, which will take place from the 23rd to 24th of February. The new forum brings together leading representatives of the Bavarian AI Network, international, high-profile guests, as well as state politicians to discuss the future of AI and international developments.
VIVA becomes a YouTube star
Ist Künstliche Intelligenz schlauer als wir?
Diese Frage beantwortete unsere Kollegin Katharina Weitz in 120 Sekunden im Rahmen von "Frag-mal-MINT" des Projektes #MINTmagie des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung. Dieses Projekt ist Teil der MINT-Allianz, die es sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, mithilfe von verschiedenen Onlineangeboten MINT-Bildung für Zuhause zu vermitteln.
Wer gespannt auf Katharinas Antwort ist, kann sich den Beitrag auf YouTube oder Instagram anschauen - die Links sind unter "Weiterlesen" zu finden.