
Our reseach is primarly interested in understanding (a) professional vision and visual expertise, (b) teacher professionalism and student heterogeneity, and (c) effective digital learning environments.
First, our research on visual expertise focuses on the professional vision of teachers in schools, on the development of pre-service teachers' professional vision, and on the modeling of attention-based and knowledge-based processing of visual information in teacher education and teacher professional learning.

Second, our research on teacher professionalism is based on a broad understanding of student heterogeneity and examines implicit and explicit teacher attitudes as antecedents of teacher competence when dealing with heterogeneity, diversity, and inclusion in schools.

Third, our research on digital learning examines the design of effective digital learning in K-12, higer education, and lifelong learning contexts, particulary with regard to cognitive and motivational correates in webinars, flipped classrooms, and blended learning scenarios.
Our methods include quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method-approaches for collecting and analyzing data. Quantitative methods are typically associated with eye tracking-experiments, surveys, and meta-analyses. Qualitative methods are typically associated with interviews, observations, and narrative reviews. Mixed method-design integrate these approaches in a programmatic research agenda, acknowleding cognitive and sociocultural perspectives as equally valid avenues when attempting to gain access to the processes, practices, and outcomes of learning and instruction.
