On the occasion of the 30th anniversary celebration, the members of CELOS presented the following workshop discussions on current issues of European law in cooperation between the Faculty of Law of the University of Augsburg and the City of Augsburg on June 24, 2021.



Greetings by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor Dr. Arndt Koch and Mrs. Regina Volk from Europe Direct.


Professor Möllers gave a short summary of the 30-year history of the Institute.



In detail, the following made presentations:


Frau Professor Dr. Martina Benecke

Rufbereitschaft als Arbeitszeit - ein Feuerwehrmann aus Offenbach vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof

(On-call duty as working time - a firefighter from Offenbach before the European Court of Justice)


Herr Professor Dr. Michael Kort

Datenschutzverstöße können „wehtun“ – Sanktionen im europäischen Datenschutzrecht

(Data protection violations can "hurt" - Sanctions in European data protection law)



Herr Professor Dr. Thomas M.J. Möllers

Green Deal, nachhaltige Finanzprodukte – können wir so die Umwelt retten?

(Green Deal, sustainable financial products - is this how we can save the environment?)


Herr Professor Dr. Christoph Becker

Europas Zivilgesetzbücher - kein Flickenteppich

(Europe's civil codes - not a patchwork quilt)



Frau Akad. Rätin a.Z. Dr. Carmen Freyler

Urlaub in Europa – Zwang zur Freizeit und Erholung für Erben?

(Vacation in Europe - compulsion for leisure and recreation for heirs?)





At the end of the two-hour event, a lively discussion ensued on the various presentations.


The individual presentations can be accessed as  videos (in the German language).





© University of Augsburg
Screenshot Celos 30 Jahre neu
Foto: privat
