Prof. Dr. Ingo Kollar

Full professor
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences
Phone: +49 821 598 2607
Room: 2090 (D)
Open hours: Tuesdays, 1 - 2 p.m.
Address: Universitätsstraße 10, 86159 Augsburg




Curriculum Vitae

Master’s in Educational Science, Psychology and Sociology at LMU Munich. Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in Psychology from Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen (2006). Scholarship student in the DFG-funded Virtual Ph.D. Program “Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Exchange With New Media” (2002-2005). Researcher at Knowledge Media Research Center (KMRC) in Tübingen (2005-2006). Post-Doc at the Chair for Empirical Education and Educational Psychology at LMU Munich (2006-2015). Interim Professor for Psychology of Excellence in Business and Education at LMU Munich (2010-2012). Postdoctoral lecture qualification (Topic: “Orchestrating complex learning and teaching processes: Contextual and design-related conditions for the effectiveness of computer-supported collaboration scripts”) (2013). Coordinator of the Special Interest Group 20 (“Inquiry Learning”) of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI; 2017-2021). Since Oct. 1, 2015: Full Professor for Educational Psychology at the University of Augsburg. Since 2017 coordinator and chairman of the examination committee of the Master's program "Research on Learning and Instruction: An Interdisciplinary Program". Since 2018 speaker/scientific director of the Centre for Digital Learning and Teaching (DigiLLab) at the University of Augsburg. Since 2021 speaker of the project "Fostering competence development with digital, authentic and feedback-based instructional scenarios" (KodiLL).


Research foci

  • Evidence-oriented reasoning of pre- and in-service teachers
  • Scientific reasoning and argumentation
  • Technology-supported teaching and learning
  • Collaborative learning
  • Innovative instructional approaches

Courses / teaching

(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Ingo Kollar | course types: all)


