The Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum - a Center for Transnational Studies - is an interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research center at the University of Augsburg, which merges, connects and brings together research foci and key issues in the cultural sciences, humanities and social sciences and promotes their public visibility. It encourages academic exchange between its members, coordinates international cooperation, organizes conferences, facilitates the publication of research results and offers support in the administration and acquisition of third-party funds.


The Jakob Fugger Center awards funds on a continous basis for

Postdoc Grants

The call for proposals is addressed to extraordinary members of the Jakob Fugger Center of the University of Augsburg who are pursuing an innovative postdoctoral project. The aim of the grant is to support qualified young scientists* to elaborate and further develop a promising research project, to network it internationally and to bring it to application maturity by applying for a project-related travel and material allowance of up to 5000 Euros.

The following can be covered

  • Travel and accommodation costs for research trips
  • Teaching assignments
  • Support by student assistants
  • Conference travel only up to a maximum of 500 euros


The project must be international in scope and eligible for third-party funding. In addition, an interdisciplinary orientation of the research projects or the possibility of interdisciplinary networking and expansion of the projects is desirable. Recipients are expected to report on the results of their research and to refer to the Jakob Fugger Center in publications in an appropriate manner.


Applications for a Postdoctoral Grant (required documents):

  • Curriculum vitae incl. list of publications
  • Project description (5-10 pages)
  • Information on the proposed application to a third-party funding institution and the planned submission date
  • Statement on whether funding for this project has already been applied for from third parties and, if so, what the status of the review is.

Applications for funding can be submitted continuously, but must be submitted at least 3 months before the planned start of the requested measures. The board of the Jakob Fugger Center decides on the approval of the funds. Please send your application by e-mail to:


Universität Augsburg
Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum – Forschungskolleg für Transnationale Studien
Tel.: 0821 / 598 – 5208






Center Management


