Cultural Transfer
A society's common set of values and knowledge is reflected both by the everyday actions of its members and by its medial representations. The Jakob-Fugger-Zentrum investigates how values and knowledge are stored and disseminated in various forms and what effects this may have on social structures, as well as on both knowledge and values themselves.
Economics of the Early Modern Period Genres - Religion - Gender (PD Dr. Franz Fromholzer)
- Euroscientia - Räume und Zirkulation herrschafts- bzw. staatsrelevanten Wissens in Europa, 1750-1850 (Prof. Dr. Lothar Schilling)
- Traum und Traumdeutung in der griechisch-römischen Antike (Prof. Dr. Gregor Weber)
- Schrift und Gesellschaft (Prof. Dr. Martin Kaufhold)
- Augsburger Editionen und digitale Erfassung deutscher Texte des Mittelalters (Prof. Dr. Freimut Löser)
- Transnationale Diskursräume (Prof. Dr. Reiner Keller)
- Der „Antigonistische Konflikt“: Begräbnispolitik und die Grenzen des Selbstverständnisses moderner Gesellschaften (Prof. Dr. Marcus Llanque/ Prof. Dr. Katja Sarkowsky)
- Pa’i ha paje - Shamans & Priests. New Sources in Guarani and Spanish on European and Amerindian Medicine in the Jesuit Missions in South America (Prof. Dr. Steffen)