Dr. Katharina Weitz
Phone: | +49 821 598 - 2348 |
Email: | katharina.weitz@informatik.uni-augsburginformatik.uni-augsburg.de () |
Room: | 2015 (N) |
Open hours: | by appointment |
Address: | Universitätsstraße 6a, 86159 Augsburg |
I am interested in machine learning topics in the field of social Human-Computer Interaction. My areas of interest include artificial intelligence, machine learning, and human-computer interaction.
The influence of explainability and transparency of intelligent systems on people's trust is a central point of my research activities. I support a human-centric approach to artificial intelligence and therefore support Claire and the European Commission's Guidelines for Trustworthy AI.
In addition to my research activities, the communication of scientific knowledge to the general public is of great importance to me. In addition to lectures, science slams and workshops, I have already published several books in which I communicate basic knowledge about computer science and AI to young and old in a vivid and playful way.

About Me
I finished my training as a state-approved educator and worked for several years as an educator in kindergarten, open all-day school and in the field of youth welfare work with young adults before I studied Psychology (B.Sc., M.Sc.) and Computing in the Humanities (Applied Computer Science) (M.Sc.) at the University of Bamberg. During my studies, I researched at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Fraunhofer Institute IIS.
I was a scholarship holder of the Upgrading Scholarship of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. For my Master's thesis in psychology, I was awarded the PUSh Award (Prize of the University Women's Representative for Students with Outstanding Achievements) of the University of Bamberg.
University of Augsburg
Since October 2018, I am working as a research associate at the Chair of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at the University of Augsburg.
In 2020 I was awarded as a Junior Fellow from the National Society for Informatics (GI- Gesellschaft für Informatik) for my work and knowledge transfer in the field of human-centered AI.
From December 2020 to October 2023, I served as the deputy women's representative of the Faculty of Applied Computer Science, University of Augsburg.

Voluntary Activities
Since 2019, I haver been a member of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), the largest professional society for computer science in the german-speaking area. In 2021, I was elected to the GI presidium. Furthermore, since January 2022, I have been an elected board member of the GI. Here, I contribute actively to the future development of computer science on a political and societal level.
As an educator, the teaching of didactic concepts from the research area of computer science is of great concern to me. Therefore, I am an associated member of the interdisciplinary research group for elementary and primary computer science (FELI) at the University of Bamberg.
Including data-literacy in educational processes is an essential building block for digital participation. I am a signatory and supporter of the Data-Literacy-Charta of the Stifterverband.
To increase female representation and participation in the AI community, since 2020 I am a member of the non-profit do-tank initiative Women in AI and the non-profit network Women in AI & Robotics.
Invited Talks
Weitz, K. (2024). Künstliche Intelligenz im Schulalltag. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the Leipzig book fair, forum teaching practice of the Verband Bildungsmedien e.V., 24.03.2024, Leipzig.
Weitz, K. (2024). Entdecken, Erleben, Einsetzen: KI-Tools für den Lehralltag. Webinar of the Westermann Akademie, 21.02./19.03., online.
Weitz, K. (2024). Künstliche Intelligenz im Schulalltag: Eine Einführung in ChatGPT und Bildgeneratoren mit Ideen zum Einsatz in der Schule. Webinar of the Westermann Akademie, 07.02./05.03., online.
Weitz, K. (2024). Künstliche Intelligenz im Schulalltag. Keynote at the #WestermannLogin, 20.01.23, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). KI im Schulalltag. Webinar at the Open Day of the Westermann Akademie, 10.11.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). AI Meets Human: Fundamentals and Practical Use of Artificial Intelligence. Webinar for Employees of Westermann Publisher, 14.09.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). Breaking Bias: Challenges on the Way to Fair AI. Talk at the National Society for Informatics Regional Group Mittelfranken, 12.07.2023, Nuermberg.
Weitz, K. (2023). Artificial intelligence in everyday school life: practical applications and possible uses for teachers. Webinar of the Westermann Akademie, 11.07./08.09./20.09./26.10/29.11.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). Is ChatGPT hijacking democracy? What chatbots imply for society and politics.Webtalk of the Friedrich-Naumann Foundation, 07.06.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). AI meets human: Human-centred artificial intelligence as the future of interaction? Short presentation in the lecture series about AI at TH Aschaffenburg, 15.05.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). Pixel & Co. Informatik in der Grundschule. Webinar followed by a Q&A session at the Online Digital Symposium. 05.05.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2023). Neugierde für Informatik wecken - Ideen für die anschauliche Vermittlung von Informatikkonzepten an Kinder und Jugendliche. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the Leipzig book fair, forum teaching practice of the Verband Bildungsmedien e.V.. 30.04.2023, Leipzig.
Weitz, K. (2023). Künstliche Intelligenz im Praxistest: ChatGPT verstehen und nutzen. Online workshop, Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Hamburg-East. 27.04.2023, online.
Weitz, K. (2022). Pixel & Co. Informatik in der Grundschule. Webinar followed by a Q&A session at the Online Digital Symposium. 04.11.2022, online.
Weitz, K. (2022). Human-Centered XAI: Investigating the Impact of Explainable AI on End-Users. Talk at the Workshop „Interdisciplinary Conversations on the Fairness, Explainability and Uncertainty of AI“ of Die Junge Akademie, from 19.09.-20.09.22. 19.09.2022, Berlin.
Weitz, K. (2022). Intelligente Maschinen – gestern, heute, morgen. Künstliche Intelligenz zum Ausprobieren. Workshop at the Seminar „Narrativen Künstlicher Intelligenz“ of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, from 08.09.-11.09.22. 08.09.2022, Munich.
Weitz, K. (2022). Herausforderungen der Menschzentrierten Künstlichen Intelligenz für Unternehmen: Die Rolle von Erklärbarkeit und Vertrauen in der Mensch-Technik Interaktion. Talk at the Workshop „Digitalisierung und Zukunft der Arbeit“ of the Technical University of Munich (TUM), 10.08.2022, Munich.
Weitz, K. (2022). Mensch und Maschine – ein Traum-Paar? Aktuelle Forschung zur Künstlichen Intelligenz. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the Evangelische Akademie Anhalt and the Evangelische Akadamie Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.. 30.06.2022, Dessau-Roßlau.
Weitz, K. (2022). Menschzentrierte KI Science oder Ficition? Talk at the Computer Science information day, University of Augsburg. 28.04.2022, Augsburg.
Weitz, K. (2022). „Sollten wir Maschinen vertrauen?“ Chancen und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zur Menschzentrierten KI. Online presentation followed by a Q&A session at the AI Production network, University of Augsburg. 21.04.2022, Augsburg.
Weitz, K. (2022). Mehr Science, weniger Fiction: Keine Angst vor der Künstlichen Intelligenz! Einblicke in die Funktionsweise von KI. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the Evangelisches Forum Annahof. 28.03.2022, Augsburg.
Weitz, K. (2022). Neugierde für Informatik wecken - Ideen für die anschauliche Vermittlung von Informatikkonzepten an Kinder und Jugendliche. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the Leipzig book fair, forum teaching practice of the Verband Bildungsmedien e.V.. 19.03.2022, Leipzig. --cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic--
Weitz, K. (2022). "Algorithmus ist keine Krankheit" - Informatikkonzepte anschaulich und lebensweltbezogen an Kinder und Jugendliche vermitteln. Online presentation with discussion for student teachers at the University of Augsburg. 26.01.2022, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Von „Versteh ich nicht!“ bis „Das ist unfair!“ - Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zur Menschzentrierten Künstlichen Intelligenz. Online talk with discussion in the lecture series "Artificial Intelligence - Past, Present and Future" in cooperation with Deutsches Museum Munich as part of the Hi!A Festival for Art and Science in Bavaria. 15.12.2021, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz (XAI) als Schlüssel für mehr Transparenz? – Einblicke in die Informatik. Talk followed by a Q&A session in the seminar "Transparency, Ethics & Publicity in (Digital) Democracy" of the University of Duisburg Essen. 13.12.2021, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Von A wie Algorithmus bis K wie Künstliche Intelligenz: Anregungen für die praxistaugliche Vermittlung von Informatikkonzepten. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the #WestermannLogin@Kassel. 26.11.-27.11.2021, Kassel. --cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic--
Weitz, K. (2021). Pixel & Co. Informatik in der Grundschule. Talk followed by a Q&A session at the digital-day of the Westermann group. 27.10.2021, München. --cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic--
Weitz, K. (2021). "Algorithmus ist keine Krankheit" - Informatikkonzepte anschaulich und lebensweltbezogen an Kinder und Jugendliche vermitteln. Online talk with discussion for student teachers at the University of Augsburg. 09.07.2021, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Pixel & Co. Informatik in der Grundschule. Webinar followed by a Q&A session at the Online Digital Symposium. 12.06.2021, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Pixel & Co. Informatik in der Grundschule. Webinar of the Westermann publisher followed by a Q&A session. 20.05.2021, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Was hast du gelernt? Wie Erklärbare KI uns hilft, Neuronale Netze besser zu verstehen. Keynote followed by a Q&A session at the M3- Minds Mastering Machines conference , 27.04.2021, online.
Weitz, K. (2021). Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz - Ziele, Methoden und Herausforderungen auf dem Weg zur Menschzentrierten KI. Webinar followed by a Q&A session as part of the AI-Camp organized by the National Society for Informatics and the BMBF, 16.02.2021.
Weitz, K. (2021). Menschenzentrierte KI - Wie erklärbare KI unsere Vorstellungen und Erwartungen verändert. Online presentation with discussion at the National Society for Informatics Regional Group Würzburg, 20.01.2021.
Weitz, K. (2020). PRIVACY ON STAND BY? Talk and public discussion with the artists Yu Zhang and Matthew Mosher at the "DIGITAL SPRING Festival", 21.03.2020, Salzburg. --cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic--
André, E., Weitz, K. (2019). Künstliche Intelligenz...und ich? Public discussion with the Minister of Science Bernd Sibler as part of the event „Siblers Denkräume“, 03.12.2019, Augsburg.
Weitz, K. (2019). Was „denkt“ Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie wir sichtbar machen, wie intelligent KI wirklich ist. Science Slam Talk at the turmdersinne Symposium, 12.10.2019, Fürth.
André, E., Weitz. K., Weber, K., & Janowski, K. (2019) Sind Computer schlauer als wir?. Talk with Live Demo as part of the children's university, 05.07.2019, Augsburg.
Weitz, K. (2019). Genial naiv. Wie schlau ist künstliche Intelligenz?. Talk within the scope of the Wissenschaftsjahr 2019 at the German Museum, 02.06.2019, Munich.
Weitz, K. (2019). Gotta catch ‘em all! Wenn die KI zum Pokemontrainer wird. Talk as part of the Girls‘ Day at the German Museum, 28.03.2019, Munich.
Weitz, K. (2018). Lachst du noch oder weinst du schon? Worauf neuronale Netze achten, wenn sie uns anschauen. Talk at the Science Slam of the Center Digitalisierung.Bayern (ZD.B), 21.11.2018, Munich.
Schmid, U., & Weitz, K. (2017). Elementarinformatik als Brücke zwischen Mediennutzung und Informatik. Vom "Was muss ich drücken?" zum "Wie funktioniert das?" in der Vor- und Grundschule. Talk at the Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, 26.09.2017, Hamburg.
Schmid, U., Knauf, D., Gärtig-Daugs, A., Weitz, K., Wolking, M., & Steinhäuser, A. (2016). Elementarinformatik. Presentation of the computer science experimenters’s kit at the Bamberger Medienbildungstag "Medienbildung 4.0", 23.07.2016, Bamberg.
Weitz, K., & Schmid U. (2015). Informatik - eine kleine Einführung. Talk at the Caritas Fachakademie für Sozialpädagogik, 13.11.2015, Bamberg.
Schmid, U., & Weitz, K. (2015). Experimentierkiste Informatik. Informatik in Vor- und Grundschule. Talk as part of Culture.Projects - Die Vorstellungsrunde, 19.10.2015, Bamberg.
Schmid, U., & Grell, F., unterstützt durch Gärtig-Daugs, A., Förtsch, S., Wolking, M., & Weitz, K. (2015). Mobile Informatikwerkstatt für Vor- und Grundschule. Presentation of project plans for the computer science experimenter’s kit at the Hermann-Gutmann-Stiftung, 10.3.2015, Bamberg.
Media & Press
Social Media
Panellist at Arte Saloon: Autonomous weapons or useful helpers - what are robots allowed to do? (07.11.2023)
Guest on Science vs. Fiction/MDR Wissen: Star Trek: Picard | Can robots fake feelings? (16.02.2023)
Reel at #MINTmagie (an initiative of the BMBF) to answer the question: Is AI smarter than us? (29.12.2022)
Video about my Science Slam at the Centre for Digitalisation Bavaria: What is Artificial Intelligence? (22.04.2021)
Interview on the podcast "AI today": "What human-centered AI is all about" podcast (German)
Interview on "Deep Talk", a podcast by Deutschlandfunk Nova: ChatGPT can't cook! podcast (German)
Newspapers & Magazines & Blogs
Interview in ZEIT LEO magazine (10.10.2023): Can you think, ChatGPT? The new chat programme talks like a human being. ZEIT LEO had a conversation with it and a researcher
Allgemeiner Anzeiger (25.09.2023): Stories for children from ChatGPT
Interview in Evangelic Newspaper (08.09.2023): ChatGPT: When robots tell the bedtime story article (German)
Interview in Südkurier Konstanz (08.09.2023): ChatGPT cannot replace mum and dad - Can AI help in raising children? Critics warn: human warmth is missing
Interview in impulse Magazin: Who is afraid of ChatGPT? How to react wisely to insecurities in working teams article (German)
GI-members' magazine: It's all about us! article (German)
Interview on the AIhub blog: Do we need explainable AI in companies? article
Science Magazine AVISO 01/2020: Man, Machine! The future of social interaction with AI article (German)
Science Magazine AVISO 01/2020: Science Slam - Making artificial intelligence explainable article (German)
Peer-Review Activities
I was reviewer for the following journals and conferences:
- Program committee member of the Workshop "Functions of Emotions for Socially Interactive Agents" at the 9th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII)
- Program commitee member of the 10th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction (ACII)
2024 |
Stina Klein, Jenny Huch, Nadine Reißner, Pamina Zwolsky, Katharina Weitz, Matthias Kraus and Elisabeth André. 2024. Creating a framework for a user-friendly cobot failure management in human-robot collaboration. In Dan Grollman, Elizabeth Broadbent, Wendy Ju, Harold Soh, Tom Williams (Eds.). HRI '24: companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Boulder, CO, USA, March 11-15, 2024. ACM, New York, NY, 618-622 DOI: 10.1145/3610978.3640591 |
Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Elisabeth André, Maris Männiste and Ceenu George. 2024. Explaining it your way - findings from a co-creative design workshop on designing XAI applications with AI end-users from the public sector. In Florian Floyd Mueller, Penny Kyburz, Julie R. Williamson, Corina Sas, Max L. Wilson, Phoebe Toups Dugas, Irina Shklovski (Eds.). CHI '24: proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 11-16, 2024. ACM, New York, NY, 745 DOI: 10.1145/3613904.3642563 |
Pol van Rijn, Silvan Mertes, Kathrin Janowski, Katharina Weitz, Nori Jacoby and Elisabeth André. 2024. Giving robots a voice: human-in-the-loop voice creation and open-ended labeling. In Florian Floyd Mueller, Penny Kyburz, Julie R. Williamson, Corina Sas, Max L. Wilson, Phoebe Toups Dugas, Irina Shklovski (Eds.). CHI '24: proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 11-16, 2024. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, 584 DOI: 10.1145/3613904.3642038 |
Silvan Mertes, Tobias Huber, Christina Karle, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Cristina Conati and Elisabeth André. in press. Relevant irrelevance: generating alterfactual explanations for image classifiers. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2405.05295 |
Ruben Schlagowski, Maurizio Volanti, Katharina Weitz, Silvan Mertes, Johanna Kuch and Elisabeth André. 2024. The feeling of being classified: raising empathy and awareness for AI bias through perspective-taking in VR. Frontiers in Virtual Reality 5, 1340250. DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2024.1340250 |
2023 |
Katharina Blandina Weitz. 2023. An interdisciplinary concept for human-centered explainable artificial intelligence - Investigating the impact of explainable AI on end-users. Dissertation, Universität Augsburg. . |
2022 |
Silvan Mertes, Christina Karle, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. in press. Alterfactual explanations: the relevance of irrelevance for explaining AI systems. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2207.09374 |
Katharina Weitz, Chi Tai Dang and Elisabeth André. in press. Do we need explainable AI in companies? Investigation of challenges, expectations, and chances from employees' perspective. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.03527 |
Silvan Mertes, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Alexander Heimerl and Elisabeth André. 2022. GANterfactual - counterfactual explanations for medical non-experts using generative adversarial learning. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 825565. DOI: 10.3389/frai.2022.825565 |
Ute Schmid and Katharina Weitz. 2022. Künstliche Intelligenz und Psychologie: von Kognitiver Modellierung bis Erklärbarkeit. In Astrid Schütz, Matthias Brand and Sabine Steins-Löber (Ed.). Psychologie : eine Einführung in ihre Grundlagen und Anwendungsfelder. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 219-231. |
Alexander Heimerl, Katharina Weitz, Tobias Baur and Elisabeth André. 2022. Unraveling ML models of emotion with NOVA: multi-level explainable AI for non-experts. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13, 3, 1155-1167. DOI: 10.1109/taffc.2020.3043603 |
Katharina Weitz, Alexander Zellner and Elisabeth André. in press. What do end-users really want? Investigation of human-centered XAI for mobile health apps. preprint. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2210.03506 |
2021 |
Kasper Hald, Katharina Weitz, Elisabeth André and Matthias Rehm. 2021. "An error occurred!" - Trust repair with virtual robot using levels of mistake explanation. In Kohei Ogawa, Tomoko Yonezawa, Gale M. Lucas, Hirotaka Osawa, Wafa Johal and Masahiro Shiomi (Ed.). HAI'21: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, Virtual Event, Japan, November 9 - 11, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, 218-226. DOI: 10.1145/3472307.3484170 |
Katharina Weitz, Lindsey Vanderlyn, Ngoc Thang Vu and Elisabeth André. 2021. "It's our fault!": insights into users' understanding and interaction with an explanatory collaborative dialog system. In Arianna Bisazza, Omri Abend (Eds.). Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning, November 2021, online. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2021.conll-1.1 |
Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski and Elisabeth André. 2021. Demystifying artificial intelligence for end-users: findings from a participatory machine learning show. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12873, 257-270. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87626-5_19 |
Björn Petrak, Gundula Sopper, Katharina Weitz and Elisabeth André. 2021. Do you mind if I pass through? Studying the appropriate robot behavior when traversing two conversing people in a hallway setting. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 8-12 August 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 369-375. DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515430 |
Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Elisabeth André and Ofra Amir. 2021. Local and global explanations of agent behavior: integrating strategy summaries with saliency maps. Artificial Intelligence 301, 103571. DOI: 10.1016/j.artint.2021.103571 |
Elisabeth André, Willhelm Bauer, Martin Braun, Chi-Tai Dang, Matthias Peissner and Katharina Weitz. 2021. Projektbericht: KI-Kompetenzentwicklung bei Sach- und Produktionsarbeit. Lernende Systeme – Die Plattform für Künstliche Intelligenz, München. DOI: 10.48669/pls_2021-4 |
Björn Petrak, Julia G. Stapels, Katharina Weitz, Friederike Eyssel and Elisabeth André. 2021. To move or not to move? Social acceptability of robot proxemics behavior depending on user emotion. In 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 8-12 August 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 975-982. DOI: 10.1109/ro-man50785.2021.9515502 |
Katharina Weitz. 2021. Towards human-centered AI: psychological concepts as foundation for empirical XAI research. it - Information Technology . DOI: 10.1515/itit-2021-0047 |
Katharina Weitz. 2021. Vertrauen und Vertrauenswürdigkeit bei sozialen Robotern: Stärkung von Mensch-Roboter-Vertrauensbeziehungen mithilfe Erklärbarer Künstlicher Intelligenz. In Oliver Bendel (Ed.). Soziale Roboter: technikwissenschaftliche, wirtschaftswissenschaftliche, philosophische, psychologische und soziologische Grundlagen. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 309-323. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-31114-8_16 |
2020 |
Katharina Weitz, Dominik Schiller, Ruben Schlagowski, Tobias Huber and Elisabeth André. 2020. "Let me explain!": exploring the potential of virtual agents in explainable AI interaction design. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 15, 87-98. DOI: 10.1007/s12193-020-00332-0 |
Simon Flutura, Andreas Seiderer, Tobias Huber, Katharina Weitz, Ilhan Aslan, Ruben Schlagowski, Elisabeth André and Joachim Rathmann. 2020. Interactive machine learning and explainability in mobile classification of forest-aesthetics. In Catia Prandi and Johann Marquez-Barja (Ed.). GoodTechs '20: Proceedings of the 6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, September 2020, Antwerp, Belgium. ACM, New York, NY, 90-95. DOI: 10.1145/3411170.3411225 |
Klaus Weber, Kathrin Janowski, Niklas Rach, Katharina Weitz, Wolfgang Minker, Stefan Ultes and Elisabeth André. 2020. Predicting persuasive effectiveness for multimodal behavior adaptation using bipolar weighted argument graphs. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS '20). ACM, New York, NY, 1476-1484 |
Katharina Weitz. 2020. Was "denkt" Künstliche Intelligenz? Wie wir sichtbar machen, wie intelligent KI wirklich ist. In Michael C. Bauer and Laura Deinzer (Ed.). Bessere Menschen? Technische und ethische Fragen in der transhumanistischen Zukunft. Springer, Berlin, 77-95. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-61570-6_5 |
2019 |
Katharina Weitz, Dominik Schiller, Ruben Schlagowski, Tobias Huber and Elisabeth André. 2019. "Do you trust me?" Increasing user-trust by integrating virtual agents in explainable AI interaction design. In Catherine Pelachaud, Jean-Claude Martin, Hendrik Buschmeier, Gale Lucas and Stefan Kopp (Ed.). Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents - IVA '19, Paris, France, July 02 - 05, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 7-9. DOI: 10.1145/3308532.3329441 |
Teena Hassan, Dominik Seuß, Johannes Wollenberg, Katharina Weitz, Miriam Kunz, Stefan Lautenbacher, Jens-Uwe Garbas and Ute Schmid. 2019. Automatic detection of pain from facial expressions: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 43, 6, 1815-1831. DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2019.2958341 |
Ilhan Aslan, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Simon Flutura, Susana Garcia Valesco, Marius Pfeil and Elisabeth André. 2019. Creativity support and multimodal pen-based interaction. In Wen Gao, Helen Mei Ling Meng, Matthew Turk, Susan R. Fussell, Björn Schuller, Yale Song and Kai Yu (Ed.). 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction - ICMI '19, Suzhou, China, October 14 - 18, 2019. ACM Press, New York, NY, 135-144. DOI: 10.1145/3340555.3353738 |
Katharina Weitz, Teena Hassan, Ute Schmid and Jens-Uwe Garbas. 2019. Deep-learned faces of pain and emotions: elucidating the differences of facial expressions with the help of explainable AI methods = Tief erlernte Gesichter von Schmerz und Emotionen: Aufklärung der Unterschiede von Gesichtsausdrücken mithilfe erklärbarer KI-Methoden. tm - Technisches Messen 86, 7-8, 404-412. DOI: 10.1515/teme-2019-0024 |
Dominik Schiller, Katharina Weitz, Kathrin Janowski and Elisabeth André. 2019. Human-inspired socially-aware interfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11934, 41-53. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-34500-6_2 |
Ute Schmid, Michael Siebers and Katharina Weitz. 2019. Künstliche Intelligenz selber programmieren für Dummies Junior. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim. |
Björn Petrak, Katharina Weitz, Ilhan Aslan and Elisabeth André. 2019. Let me show you your new home: studying the effect of proxemic-awareness of robots on users' first impressions. In The 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication, 14 – 18 Oct, 2019 Le Meridien, Windsor Place, New Delhi, India. |
Katharina Weitz and Elisabeth André. 2019. Should we (dis)trust robots? Developing responsible AI using cognitive and affective human-robot trust. In Interdisciplinary College 2019, March 12-19, 2019, Günne, Germany. |
Katharina Weitz, Florian Johren, Lukas Seifert, Sha Li, Jiexin Zhou, Oliver Posegga and Peter A. Gloor. 2019. The Bezos-Gate: exploring the online content of the Washington Post. In Yang Song, Francesca Grippa, Peter A. Gloor and João Leitão (Ed.). Collaborative Innovation Networks: Latest Insights from Social Innovation, Education, and Emerging Technologies Research. Springer International, Cham (Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics), 75-90. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17238-1_4 |
2018 |
Katharina Weitz. 2018. Applying explainable artificial intelligence for deep learning networks to decode facial expressions of pain and emotions. Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Bamberg. |
Ute Schmid, Katharina Weitz and Anja Gärtig-Daugs. 2018. Informatik in der Grundschule: eine informatisch-pädagogische Perspektive auf informatikdidaktische Konzepte. Informatik-Spektrum 41, 3, 200-207. DOI: 10.1007/s00287-018-1103-4 |
Katharina Weitz, Teena Hassan, Ute Schmid and Jens-Uwe Garbas. 2018. Towards explaining deep learning networks to distinguish facial expressions of pain and emotions. In T. Längle, F. Puente León and M. Heinzmann (Ed.). Forum Bildverarbeitung 2018, 29.-30. November 2018, Fraunhofer IOSB, Karlsruhe. KIT Publishing, Karlsruhe, 197-208. |
2017 |
Katharina Weitz, Anja Gärtig-Daugs, Daniel Knauf and Ute Schmid. 2017. Computer science in early childhood education: pedagogical beliefs and perceived self-confidence in preschool teachers. In Erik Barendsen and Peter Hubwieser (Ed.). Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing Education - WiPSCE '17, Nijmegen, Netherlands, November 08 - 10, 2017. ACM Press, New York, NY, 117-118. DOI: 10.1145/3137065.3144573 |
Katharina Weitz. 2017. Creativity and intelligence in brains and machines: from individuals to societies; post-event report about the GK sponsored Interdisciplinary College 2017 (IK2017). Cognitive Processing 18, 4, 555-556. DOI: 10.1007/s10339-017-0845-2 |
Katharina Weitz. 2017. Individual effects of sleep deprivation: influence of personality factors on subjective fatigue and cognitive performance. . |
Ute Schmid and Katharina Weitz. 2017. Referate präsentieren mit PowerPoint für Dummies Junior. Wiley, Weinheim. |
Katharina Weitz, Astrid Schuetz, Christian Mühl and Daniel Aeschbach. 2017. Sleep deprivation and personality - impact on simple and complex cognitive tasks. In Creativity and Intelligence in Brains and Machines - From Individuals to Societies: Interdisciplinary College 2017 (IK2017), Günne, Möhnesee, March 2017. GK - Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft |
2016 |
Anja Gärtig-Daugs, Katharina Weitz, Maike Wolking and Ute Schmid. 2016. Computer science experimenter's kit for use in preschool and primary school. In Jan Vahrenhold and Erik Barendsen (Ed.). Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education - WiPSCE '16, October 2016, Münster, Germany. ACM Press, New York, NY, 66-71. DOI: 10.1145/2978249.2978258 |