Research from Augsburg in „The Guardian”
The USA is increasingly shipping toxic waste to Mexico.
The British newspaper The Guardian quoted Simone M. Müller in one of its most recent articles. It sums up the problem the USA causes by shipping off their toxic waste to Mexico – “out of sight, out of mind” like Simone M. Müller accurately describes it.
Umweltgeschichte auf dem Campus und in der Stadt: Gehen eröffnet neue Perspektiven

New book "Ecological Ambivalence, Complexity, and Change" has been published

Contact Information:
Professorship for Global Environmental History
and Environmental Humanities
Universitaetsstrasse 10
86159 Augsburg
Phone: +49 821 598 - 2795 (Secretary)
Raum: Building D, Room 4505

Research from Augsburg in „The Guardian”
The USA is increasingly shipping toxic waste to Mexico.
The British newspaper The Guardian quoted Simone M. Müller in one of its most recent articles. It sums up the problem the USA causes by shipping off their toxic waste to Mexico – “out of sight, out of mind” like Simone M. Müller accurately describes it.
Umweltgeschichte auf dem Campus und in der Stadt: Gehen eröffnet neue Perspektiven

New book "Ecological Ambivalence, Complexity, and Change" has been published

Allgemeine Kontaktinformationen:
Universität Augsburg
Professur für Globale Umweltgeschichte und Environmental Humanities
Universitätsstraße 10
86159 Augsburg
Telefon: +49 821 598 - 2795 (Sekretariat)
Sekretariat: Gebäude D2, Raum 4500