Jelena Leoni Olga Büchner M.A.

Researcher and PhD candidate
Comparative Education
Phone: +49 821 598 - 5604
Room: 1028 (D)
Open hours: only after prior appointment by e-mail
Address: Universitätsstraße 10, 86159 Augsburg




Katrin Schwab

Phone: +49 821 598-2847






Professional career

  • 09/2020 - 03/2021 Lecturer at the PH Schwäbisch Gmünd in Childhood, Youth and Family Studies
  • Since 08/2019 Lecturer at the University of Koblenz-Landau (Koblenz Campus) in the study programme Educational Science
  • Since 03/2019 Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hanover in the degree programme Social Work
  • Since 02/2019 Staff member; Wildwasser Augsburg e.V., counselling centre against sexualised violence
  • Since 04/2017 Research assistant and since 04/2018 study advisor for the additional subjects of the B.A. Educational Science and responsible for the additional subject Intercultural Pedagogy; Professorship for Pedagogy with a focus on Comparative Educational Research; Prof. Dr. Rita Nikolai (Prof. Dr. Andrea Richter/Prof. Dr. Tetyana Kloubert), University of Augsburg
  • 09/2016 - 03/2017 Teamer; Pedagogical supervision of volunteers DRK - Kreisverband Aalen e.V.
  • 08/2014 - 03/2017 Research assistant; Professorship for Pedagogy of Childhood and Youth Prof. Dr. Wiebke Waburg (Prof. Dr. Leonie Herwartz-Emden), University of Augsburg
  • 02/2014 - 06/2014 Educational support SOS - Children's Village, Augsburg
  • 04/2013 - 11/2013 Educational assistant; practice Annette Hübner - specialist for child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, Augsburg
  • 11/2012 - 03/2013 Student assistant; Management seminar programme of the Centre for Continuing Education and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Augsburg, Augsburg


Academic training

  • 10/2013 - 03/2017 University of Augsburg; Study of Educational Science "Heterogeneity in Education"; Specialisation: Pedagogy of Childhood and Adolescence; Degree: Master of Arts (M.A.); Master thesis: Parental leave as an expression of paternal care work. Models of reconciling new fatherhood and masculinity
  • 10/2010 - 07/2013 University of Augsburg; Study of Educational Science; Specialisation: Adult and Continuing Education; Degree: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.); Bachelor thesis: Reflections on the basic pedagogical attitude as the core of pedagogical professionalism.


Further education and training

  • Since 01/2022 Training in systemic integrative trauma therapy; International Society for Systemic Therapy (IGST) Heidelberg
  • 06/2016 - 03/2022 Training in systemic therapy and counselling; International Society for Systemic Therapy (IGST) Heidelberg
  • 10/2015 Training in Holocaust Education; International School for Holocaust Studies/ Yad Vashem; Jerusalem, Israel
  • 04/2015 - 04/2016 Participation in the mentoring programme UniMento; Mentoring and Promotion of Young Academics, University of Augsburg.



  • 01/2019 Doctoral scholarship TANDEM (Gerda Henkel Foundation)
  • 02/2018 Short-term scholarship of the programme Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching of the Free State of Bavaria
  • 12/2015 Oskar Karl Foster Scholarship
  • 04/2014 - 03/2015 Scholarship of the "United Scholarship Funds of the City of Augsburg" Foundation



  • Since 01/2016 Associate member of the German Society for Educational Science (DGfE)                                             

Research foci

  • Gender research with a focus on masculinity
  • Intercultural-comparative research
  • Sexualised violence
  • Qualitative research methods
  • Historical-comparative educational research


Courses / teaching

(applied filters: semester: current | lecturers: Jelena Büchner | course types: all)


2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019


Büchner, Jelena/Mayer, Sina Maren im Druck: Caring Masculinities als Potenzial sexueller Bildung für ein Verständnis von Sexualität als Lernaufgabe,
BibTeX | RIS


Büchner, Jelena/Pangritz, Johanna 2024: "Ich finde mein Auftrag als Vater, ob jetzt mit Migrationshintergrund oder nicht..." - neue Väter zwischen Sorgearbeit und Rassismus,
BibTeX | RIS | URL
Büchner, Jelena im Druck: Neue Väter mit Migrationshintergrund: Anerkennung und Förderung von Transformationen von Männlichkeit(en) in pädagogischen Kontexten,
BibTeX | RIS


Büchner, Jelena/Waburg, Wiebke 2023: Mädchen als Geflüchtete und die Gefahr sexualisierter Gewalt – pädagogische Herausforderungen,
BibTeX | RIS | DOI


Büchner, Jelena/Nikolai, Rita 2022: Bildungspolitik,
PDF | BibTeX | RIS | URL
Waburg, Wiebke/Büchner, Jelena 2022: Mädchenarbeit 2.0 – alte und neue Ansätze und Herausforderungen der Arbeit mit heterogenen Mädchengruppen in der Migrationsgesellschaft,
BibTeX | RIS
Nikolai, Rita/Büchner, Jelena/Sentgerath, Ida 2022: Ökonomisierung des Schulsystems durch die Corona-Pandemie? Bedeutungsgewinn von digitalen Bildungsmedien, Nachhilfeunternehmen und die Auswirkungen auf (soziale) Bildungsungleichheiten im deutschen Schulsystem,
PDF | BibTeX | RIS


Büchner, Jelena/Grüner, Stefanie/Nikolai, Rita 2021: Kinderrechte und Bildungsungleichheiten im Kontext von Schule: verschiedene Dimensionen von Diskriminierungen,
BibTeX | RIS


Büchner, Jelena 2019: "You don't have to know the answers. The answers come from the people...": das Leben und Wirken des US-amerikanischen Erwachsenenbildners Myles Horton,
PDF | BibTeX | RIS

Lectures and workshops

  • 05/2022: "Sexual border violations among peers. Insights into a workbook for working with young people" (together with Anna-Lena Zech) at the symposium "Was geht zu weit? Strengthening young people against sexual assault" of the Landesstelle Jugendschutz Niedersachsen (State Agency for Youth Protection Lower Saxony)
  • 04/2022: "Men love maths. A critical analysis of masculinities and subject cultures" at the TH Cologne
  • 04/2021: "Digital in-depth training on the prevention of sexualised violence" in cooperation with the BDKJ Diocesan Association Augsburg
  • 01/2021: "Already and not yet? The question of the change in masculinity and its significance for boys' work" Digital workshop as part of the 6th network meeting of the Augsburg Network for Boys' Work (ANJ*A).
  • 11/2019: "Critical masculinity(s)" as part of the International Men's Day of the City of Augsburg 2019 in Augsburg.
  • 11/2018 "Life and work of the US-American adult educator Myles Horton". In the context of the 32nd International Conference on the Review of Historical Sources of Adult Education in Vienna.
  • 11/2018 "Masculinity(s) and Sexuality" (together with Ann-Kristin Augst, M.A.). In the context of the International Men's Day of the City of Augsburg 2018 in Augsburg.

