Organic Computing

“The aim of organic computing is to use artificial intelligence mechanisms to make the growing complexity of the systems around us manageable and to adapt them flexibly to changing user goals.” Prof. Dr. Jörg Hähner

Your partner for complex networked systems

Our competencies:


  • AI / Machine learning in the application
  • Optimizing systems at runtime (flexibel und adaptiv)
  • Making complex systems more resilient and robust through self-organization
  • Distributed algorithms and protocols

Our Team:


Our interdisciplinary team currently consists of ten people and works on numerous issues relating to applied and basic research. This also involves organizing international conferences and workshops.

Approach to anomaly elimination in production using AI methods and expert knowledge in the ADELeS project.

Our offerings for you

  • Support in the design and implementation of customized AI methods in real-world applications
  • Joint development of demonstrators for the transfer of current research results to your application domain, e.g. automated optimization of component parameters
  • Partner in collaborative research related to various fields of application, e.g. production facilities, transportation, logistics and civil security
Systematic and step-by-step design of organic computing systems.


  • FAMOUS - AAS-based modeling for the analysis of variable cyber-physical systems (BMBF) together with Fraunhofer FOKUS and IPK, PTB, Endress+Hauser, among other.
  • ADELeS - Anomaly elimination through extracted expert knowledge and learning systems (BayStMWi) together with FAU, xitaso GmbH, Rehau SE, among others.
  • SAMOA - Faster to image processing solutions in industry through artificial intelligence (BMBF) together with Fraunhofer IGCV, University of Stuttgart and others.
  • MOOCS - Metaheuristics for the optimization of organic computing systems (DFG).


Full Professor
Lehrstuhl für Organic Computing

To the website of the chair
