- Ceraheat 4.0 - LCA meets AI - In the Ceraheat4.0 project, funded by the BMWK as part of the Greentech Call, the partners from industry and research are tapping into resource and energy efficiency potential for fiber-reinforced ceramic high-temperature lightweight construction systems. They are also digitalizing the manufacturing processes and networking them to create an end-to-end intelligent process chain.
- FORinFRO - Self-adaptive control systems for intelligent manufacturing processes and closed-loop production.
- HotTurb - A hot-gas-stable fiber-matrix interphase for SiC-SiC composites is the subject of research in a sub-project of HotTurb. Among other things, an optimal manufacturing process is being developed using reactive melt infiltration and the damage behavior of the resulting composite material is being modeled and simulated.
- R4CMC - The R4CMC project deals with the repair of damaged ceramic fiber composites. Following non-destructive 3D analysis, damaged areas are specifically removed and then filled with suitable material using innovative repair processes. This conserves resources and reduces waste.