Wird geladen ...
7. Juli 2024

Mobile Tartu 2024 Internationale Konferenz und Doktorandenschule

Die Mobile Tartu International Conference and PhD School (siehe: mobiletartu.ut.ee) fand vom 11. bis 14. Juni 2024 in Tartu, Estland, statt. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Konferenz liegt auf der mobilen Big-Data-Analytik zur Förderung einer gerechten und nachhaltigen Gesellschaft.

Prof. Krisp und PhD-Forscherin Lika Zhvania nahmen daran teil, wobei Lika Zhvania auch die PhD School besuchte. Während der Konferenz präsentierte Lika Zhvania ein Poster mit dem Titel "Exploring Social Networks and Spatial Patterns in Mobile Data".
Poster: "Erforschung sozialer Netzwerke und räumlicher Muster in mobilen Daten".
23. Juni 2024

FAI PhD and Post-Doc Retreat Sion 2024

The FAI PhD and Post-Doc Retreat was held from 16 to 22 June 2024 in Sion, Switzerland. Zulfa Nuraini Afifah and Pablo Santiago Löw participated in this fruitful event for doctoral research.
FAI PhD and Post-Doc Retreat
25. Mai 2024

Geoinformatics Research Days 2024

Jukka Krisp and Zulfa Nuraini Afifah participated in the conference, which took place in Espoo, Finland, from 20 to 21 May 2024. Zulfa presented an abstract entitled "Revealing Uncertainties in Noise Modelling" at the conference. Further information: https://geoinformaticsdays.geoportti.fi/en
Geoinformatics Research Days 2024
7. Mai 2024

Präsentation @ GISRUK des Bikeability-Posters

Die Präsentation des Posters zu Bikeability Routing erntete interessantes und positvies Feedback auf der GISRUK 2024 in Leeds
Presentation @ GISRUK of the Bikeability poster
6. Mai 2024

Applied Geoinformatics (Prof. Krisp) Presentation at the Tallinn University, Estonia on "Geovisualization -Density Maps for Geographic Information Analysis".

Applied Geoinformatics (Prof. Krisp) Presentation at the Tallinn University, Estonia on "Geovisualization -Density Maps for Geographic Information Analysis".
25. April 2024

Applied Geoinformatics strengthens the cooperation with the UniA-FAI partner university Tartu, Estonia. (in the picture Prof. Krisp & Prof. Poom)

Applied Geoinf (Prof. Krisp) strengthens the cooperation with the UniA-FAI partner university Tartu, Estonia.
14. März 2024

Applied Geoinf Presentation at the NTNU Trondheim, Norway on "Location Based Services (LBS) Selected cases of navigation and wayfinding" (in the picture Prof. Krisp, Prof. Ding, Prof. Fan)

Applied Geoinf Presentation (Prof. Krisp) at the NTNU Trondheim, Norway on "Location Based Services (LBS) Selected cases of navigation and wayfinding"
23. Februar 2024

The media laboratory at the University of Augsburg has created a trailer for Computer Science Day.

The media laboratory at the University of Augsburg has created a trailer for Computer Science Day.
This is now online and can be viewed via the following link:
tag info
30. Januar 2024

New publication - Haosheng Huang, Yi Cheng, Weihua Dong, Georg Gartner, Jukka M. Krisp & Liqiu Meng (2024) Context modeling and processing in Location Based Services: research challenges and opportunities

New published article (the Version of Record) is now on Taylor & Francis Online. Context modeling and processing in Location Based Services: research challenges and opportunities -

Haosheng Huang, Yi Cheng, Weihua Dong, Georg Gartner, Jukka M. Krisp & Liqiu Meng (2024) Context modeling and processing in Location Based Services: research challenges and opportunities, Journal of Location Based Services, DOI: 10.1080/17489725.2024.2306349



29. Januar 2024

Excursion to ESRI2024

Excursion to ESRI2024
Students learned on-site on our excursion to ESRI Germany
19. Dezember 2023

New publication - Krisp J.M., Meng L., Kumke H. & Huang H. (2023) Advances in location based services

New publication - Krisp J.M., Meng L., Kumke H. & Huang H. (2023) Advances in location based services, Journal of Location Based Services, 17:4, 299-306, DOI: 10.1080/17489725.2023.2265867
