GAMM Workshop on Numerical Analysis

Dates: November 13-15, 2024.

Location: University of Augsburg, Institute of Mathematics.

                 Universitätsstraße 12, 86159 ( Building I2)  [  Map ]


Organizer: Daniel Peterseim (University of Augsburg).
Local organizers: José Garay, Martin Hermann, Hannah Mohr.



Program at a glance:


Nov 13: Arrival and Ice-break session in the evening.

Nov 14: Workshop starts at 9:00 am - Workshop dinner in the evening.

Nov 15: Workshop ends at 3:00 pm.



Registration: Registration deadline September 30, 2024.


Accomodations: Participants have to take care of their own accomodations.

                             (Although we are not affiliated with any hotel, here are some suggestions )



For inquiries about the workshop, please feel free to contact José Garay at

