RECODE - Workshop #4

Solidarity Beyond the Nation State: Diversity, (In)Equalities and Crisis

Time and venue: 11-12. October, 2012
Aalborg University, Denmark


Convenors: Keith Banting, Queens University, Canada & Birte Siim, Aalborg University, Denmark

Workshop Summary

The objective of the workshop was to address new challenges and problems related to the changes of transnationalism and Europeanization on the one hand and the growth of welfare nationalism, neoliberal and right wing politic on the other hand. One of the main questions was how the socio-economic and political changes are influencing (re)definition of welfare, minority and migration politics. One of the key issues is the reframings of equality and diversity and the challenges involved in constructing welfare policies transcending the dilemma between redistribution and recognition policies from a comparative European and global perspective.


The workshop was organized around three sessions:

  1.  “Changing Politics of Diversity and Belonging”,
  2.  “Diversity & Inequalities: Nation State policy responses”, and
  3.  “Diversity, Transnational Solidarity and the Crisis”.

In the concluding panel debate titled “European Social Policies, Civil Society Actors and the Crisis” the invited speakers addressed the socio-economic and political crisis from a comparative European and global perspective.




Thursday October 11: Day one

9.00 – 9.30

RECODE Programme

9.15: Welcome Birte Siim

Session 1: Changing Politics of Diversity and Belonging

9.30 – 15.45

  • Patterns of Diversity & major political parties/projects
  • Voters/public attitudes and the media
  • Neo-nationalism and Right Wing populism

This panel addresses the changing politics of diversity and belonging at the level of theory and research within and across nation states. One issue concerns patterns of diversity and how major political parties and political projects respond to the new challenges from diversity. What are the relations between anti-diversity positions within the nation states and Euro-scepticism? Another issue concerns voters’/public attitudes towards diversity and explores the role of the media in influencing/framing citizens’ attitudes The third issue concerns the challenge from Neo-nationalism and Right Wing populism, voters and members of populist partier; the growth of Right Wing populism and opposition/challenge to welfare and equality policies within and across nation states.

9.30 – 10.00

Phil Triadafilopoulus, Visiting Professor, Berlin: ”Immigrants Into Conservatives: Immigration Politics in Canada”.

10.30 – 11.00

Hans-Georg Betz, Switzerland: “Still the ‘Master Case?’ The Neo-populist Synthesis of French Radical Right-Wing Discourse under Marine Le Pen”.

11.00 – 11.30

Robert Sata, Central European University, Hungary: “Political Parties in multicultural dialogues: diversity and Europeanization in political discourse”.

11.30 – 12.15

Discussant: Peter Hervik, Co-MID, Aalborg University

LUNCH 12.30 – 13.30

13.30 – 14.00

Gianni D’AMATO, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland: “Migration and the Polarization of Public Debate in Switzerland and Austria”.

14.00 – 14.30

Anniken Hagelund, Institute for Social research, Oslo, Norway: “Immigration and the Nordic welfare state. Good guys and bad guys”.

14.30 – 15.00

Susi Meret, Co-MID, Aalborg University: “Gender and female charismatic leadership in the Nordic right-wing populist parties”.

15.00 – 15.45

Discussant: Anette Borchorst, CCWS, Aalborg University

COFFEE/TEA BREAK: 15.45 – 16.00

Session 2: Diversity & Inequalities: Nation State policy responses

16.00 – 18.00

  • Old and new forms of inequalities
  • Policies and Discourses on redistribution
  • Political activities and identities – mobilisation and claims-making

This panel addresses diversity and inequalities within and across nation states at the level of theory and research. Is there a trade-off between recognition and redistribution and between ethnic diversity and gender equality? One issue focuses on relations between old and new forms of inequalities, I.e. intersections of equality/inequalities according to gender and class with inequalities according to ethnicity/race and religion. The second issue compares policies and discourse of redistribution within the EU and across the nation states The third issue concerns the role of (new) political actors, organisations and identities, I. e. comparing the mobilisation and claims-making of various social and cultural groups.

16.00 – 16.45

Yasmeen Abu-Laban, University of Alberta, Canada: “Remaking Canadian Citizenship: The Politics of Recognition, Redistribution and Social History under the Harper Conservatives”.

16.45 – 17.30

Aleksandra Ålund & Carl-Ulrik Schierup, REMESO, Linköping University, Sweden: “From Paradoxes of Multiculturalism to Paradoxes of Liberalism”.

17.30 – 18.00

Discussant: Peter Hervik, Co-MID, Aalborg University & Anette Borchorst CCWS, Aalborg University


Friday, October 12: Day two

Session 2 (Continuation): Diversity & Inequalities: Nation State policy responses

9.30 – 10.00

Monika Mokre, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna & Birte Siim, Aalborg University: “Gender and Diversity in an emergent European Public Sphere”.

10.00 – 10.30

Christian Albrekt, CCWS, Aalborg University: “Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion: How Mixed Schools Mediates the Negative Relationship”.

10.30 – 11.00

Martin Bak Jørgensen & Trine Lund Thomsen, Co-MID, Aalborg University:” ’Needed but undeserving’ – The social construction of deserving and undeserving migrant groups in Denmark”.

11.00 – 11.45:

Discussant: John Erik Fossum, ARENA, Oslo, Norway.

LUNCH: 12.00 – 13.00

Session 3: European Diversity, Transnational Solidarity and the Crisis

13.00 – 15.00

  • Politics of Diversity and Solidarity within the EU
  • Responses to the Crisis
  • Transnational actors, networks and organisations

This panel addresses the tension between national identities and transnational solidarity, paying particular attention to the contemporary economic crisis. One issue concerns the boundaries of solidarity during the economic crisis. A second issue concerns the interaction between transnational solidarity and solidarity at the domestic level during the economic crisis. Does resistance to solidarity at the transnational level strengthen or weaken solidarity and redistribution at the level of the nation state. A third issue concerns interactions of transnational actors, networks and organisations with EU-institutions; and within civil society.

13.00 – 13.30

Manuel Carlos Silva, Research Centre of Social Sciences, University of MInho, Portugal:”Crisis, democracy and development: The Place of Portugal in the EU”.

13.30 – 14.00

Keith Banting, Queens University, Canada: “Multicultural Diversity and Redistribution in Canada: Immigrants, Aboriginal Peoples and Public Support for Social Programs”.

14.00 – 14.30

Discussant: Francisco Colom González, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Madrid, Spain.


COFFEE/TEA BREAK: 14.30 – 15.00

Panel discussion: Social Policies, Civil Society Actors and the Crisis

15.00 – 16.00

Participants: Anette Borchorst, CCWS, Aalborg University, John-Erik Fossum, Arena, Oslo, Peter Kraus, RECODE, Programme Chair, University of Augsburg.

Plenary Debate

16.00 – 16.15

Plans for future cooperation, networking and publication

