Dr. Fabian Stieler

Wiss. Mitarbeiter
Professur für Softwaremethodik für verteilte Systeme
Telefon: +49 821 598-2471
Raum: 3005 (N)
Adresse: Universitätsstraße 6a, 86159 Augsburg


  • 2017: Bachelor of Science, Wirtschaftsinformatik
  • 2019: Master of Science, Informatik & Informationswirtschaft
  • 2024: Promotion zum Dr. rer. nat., Universität Augsburg


  • Machine Learning Operations (MLOps)
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)
  • Active Learning (AL)


  • Reduktion des Annotationsaufwands - Ein Vergleich von Active Learning Frameworks (Bachelorarbeit)     
  • Bias Detection using Interpretable Machine Learning Methods (Bachelorarbeit)
  • Evaluating Explainability in the Context of Active Learning (Masterarbeit)
  • Interpretierbares Maschinelles Lernen mit EKG Daten (Bachelorarbeit)
  • Model Explanations as Quality Gate in Machine Learning Pipelines (Masterarbeit)
  • Evaluating Explainable AI Algorithms Using Scenario-Based Focus Groups (Masterarbeit)


2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2018 | 2017


Paula Ziethmann, Fabian Stieler, Miriam Elia, Bernhard Bauer and Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl. 2025. CDSS – an interdisciplinary perspective on the statement of the central ethics commission of the German Medical Association [Abstract]. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcro.2024.100163
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Vivian Grünherz, Alanna Ebigbo, Miriam Elia, Alessandra Brunner, Tamara Krafft, Leo Pöller, Pia Schneider, Fabian Stieler, Bernhard Bauer, Anna Muzalyova, Helmut Messmann and Sandra Nagl. 2024. Automatic three-dimensional reconstruction of the oesophagus in achalasia patients undergoing POEM: an innovative approach for evaluating treatment outcomes. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgast-2024-001396
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Miriam Elia, Fabian Stieler, Fabian Ripke, Marius Nann, Sarah Dopfer and Bernhard Bauer. 2024. Towards certifiable AI in medicine: illustrated for multi-label ECG classification performance metrics. DOI: 10.1109/eais58494.2024.10570023
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Fabian Stieler and Bernhard Bauer. 2023. Git workflow for active learning - a development methodology proposal for data-centric AI projects. DOI: 10.5220/0011988400003464
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Fabian Stieler, Miriam Elia, Benjamin Weigell, Bernhard Bauer, Peter Kienle, Anton Roth, Gregor Müllegger, Marius Nann and Sarah Dopfer. 2023. LIFEDATA - a framework for traceable active learning projects. DOI: 10.1109/REW57809.2023.00088
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Miriam Elia, Tobias Peter, Fabian Stieler, Bernhard Bauer, Sandra Nagl, Alanna Ebigbo and Vivien Grünherz. 2023. Precision medicine for achalasia diagnosis: a multi-modal and interdisciplinary approach for training data generation [Abstract].
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Fabian Stieler, Marius Nann and Bernhard Bauer. 2022. Vertrauenswürdige KI in der Medizin - von effizienter Datenannotation bis intuitiver Modellerklärung.
BibTeX | RIS


Fabian Stieler, Fabian Rabe and Bernhard Bauer. 2021. Towards domain-specific explainable AI: model interpretation of a skin image classifier using a human approach. DOI: 10.1109/CVPRW53098.2021.00199
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Fabian Stieler, Fabian Rabe and Bernhard Bauer. 2020. Federated medical data - how much can deep learning models benefit? [Poster].
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Harald Schmidbauer, Angi Rösch and Fabian Stieler. 2018. Patterns of interest in industrial brands: Instagram media uploads and sentiment.
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Harald Schmidbauer, Angi Rösch and Fabian Stieler. 2018. The 2016 US presidential election and media on Instagram: who was in the lead?. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.11.021
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Harald Schmidbauer, Angi Rösch and Fabian Stieler. 2017. Patterns of interest in industrial brands: media uploads to Instagram.
BibTeX | RIS
