Who’s allowed to do what? Copyright and licences

Datum: 28.10.2022, 13:00 Uhr - 13:30 Uhr 
Ort: online, Zoom link on the homepage, Augsburg
Veranstalter: Universitätsbibliothek
Themenbereiche: Akademisches (Gesamtuniversitäres), Internationales, Studium, Beruf und Karriere
Veranstaltungsreihe: Open Science Coffee Lectures
Veranstaltungsart: Infoveranstaltung
Vortragende: Sonja Härkönen
© Universität Augsburg

You want to publish Open Access or use Open Access materials? Which licence is the right one for your purpose? What allow and prohibit the different options? We introduce the most commonly used licences (CC licences and others) and their legal implications.

Attendance is possible at any time without prior registration using the following Zoom access link:

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Weitere Veranstaltungen: Universitätsbibliothek
