Clara-Sophie Höhn

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Geschichte des europäisch-transatlantischen Kulturraums
Telefon: +49 821 598 - 5925
Raum: 5022 (D)
Adresse: Universitätsstraße 10, 86159 Augsburg

Curriculum vitae

Extended CV


2020: Short-term Doctoral Research Fellowship am German Historical Institute in Washington D.C. (USA)


2018: Post-Graduate Research Fellowship am Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Science (REGSS), Duke University (USA); verliehen von der Bayerisch-Amerikanischen Akademie (BAA)


Seit 2016: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Promotionsstudentin am Lehrstuhl für Geschichte des europäisch-transatlantischen Kulturraums der Universität Augsburg.


2016: Master of Arts mit der Arbeit über „I Made the Silent Vow to Make My Own Voice Heard“: Weiße Frauen im Civil Rights Movement in den USA, 1960-1965.

Dreimonatiges Forschungspraktikum am German Historical Institute in Washington D.C., Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.


2014-2015: Studentische Hilfskraft am Haus der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Berlin.


2013-2014: Studienaufenthalt an der Royal Holloway University of London, Vereintes Königreich, im Rahmen des Europäischen Stipendienprogramms „Erasmus“.


2012-2016: Studium der Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts an der Freien Universität Berlins.


2012: Bachelor of Arts mit der Arbeit über „Life in Mormon Bondage“: Ann Eliza Young und ihre politische Rolle im Kampf gegen die Polygamie.


2010-2012: Studentische Hilfskraft am Heidelberg Center for American Studies.


2008-2012: Studium der Geschichtswissenschaft sowie der Politikwissenschaft an der Ruprecht-Karls- Universität Heidelberg.



Biographical Sketch

Clara-Sophie Höhn studied history and political science at Heidelberg University, the Free University of Berlin, and the Royal Holloway University of London. Since her graduation in 2016, she works as a research assistant at the Department for Transatlantic History and Culture at Augsburg University. She is currently writing her dissertation Beyond the Pale: White Southern Female Activists and the Civil Rights Movement, 1954 – 1968, under the academic supervision of Prof. Dr. Waldschmidt-Nelson. In the last four years, Clara Höhn participated in numerous conferences and workshops. In 2020 her article, “Putting My Body on the Line. Joan Trumpauer Mulholland und das Jackson Woolworth Sit-in von 1963,” was published in the journal Body Politics. Furthermore, she is a recipient of various research fellowships. In 2018, she spent a few months at the Center for the Study of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Social Science at Duke University. In early 2020, she was a short-time doctoral research fellow at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC.




Höhn, Clara-Sophie. „Putting My Body on the Line: Joan Trumpauer Mulholland und das Woolworth Sit-In von 1963.“ Body Politics 7.11 (2019): 159-178. (Peer Reviewed)  PDF



Aktuelle Vorträge

23.06.2021: Beyond the Pale - White Southern Female Activists in the Civil Rights Movements, 1954-1968

                    (Colloquium of the History Department, Augsburg University (Germany))        


24.11.2020: Der Körper im Sozialen Protest - Joan Trumpauer Mulholland und das Jackson Woolworth Sit-In von 1963

                    (North American Studies Lecture Series, Augsburg University (Germany))


25.06.2020: Turning Oneself Inside Out - White Southern Women on the Route Towards Civil Rights Activism

                    (Research Seminar at the German Historical Institute, Washington D.C. (USA))




Beyond the Pale - White Southern Female Activists in the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968.



American History of the 19th and 20th Century; Gender Studies; The History of Social Protest Movements; African American History; Intersectionality.



