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- Institute und Zentren
- Zentrum für Klimaresilienz
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- Publikationen und Forschungsarbeiten
Publikationen und Forschungsarbeiten
Different interpretations of sufficiency in climate-protection strategies.
The results of our study show that sufficiency is gaining importance for municipal climate protection and can contribute to alternative future visions. We argue for a more political, cross-sectoral, and transformative interpretation as a guiding principle in public climate policy that links tangible framework conditions for sufficiency practices with visions for alternative futures. Find out more.
Agricultural diversity, farmers’ definitions and uses: The case of Tasmanian farms
Our findings suggest that agricultural diversity can be a viable and, in some cases, a key farming strategy even in a high-income country. Nonetheless, this study does not seek to provide generalised answers to where and why diversification does lead to benefit, but rather displays different pathways about how it can. We suggest that in contexts like Tasmania, where diversification strategies are already widespread, future research and policy interventions should not aim at promoting agricultural diversity as a general goal. Instead, they should consider these different approaches and configurations, prioritising the identification and addressing of farmers’ specific challenges.
Do fishers follow fish displaced by climate warming?
Climate change is associated with altered oceanographic conditions that tend to shift the geographical distributions of fish. To assess the impact of climate change on fisheries, one must go beyond projections of catch potential and understand how fishers respond to moving target species. Many previous studies have explicitly or implicitly assumed that fishers follow fish that are displaced by climate warming. Here, we evaluate this assumption by analyzing a long-term, large-scale yet high resolution dataset combined with a detailed oceanographic model. Our analysis does not support the hypothesis that fishers follow fish as fish following suitable oceanographic conditions, at least over the time horizon that we study in this paper. Rather, our results are in line with fishers exhibiting “site fidelity”, even in an industrialized fishery with little technological or regulatory constraints on mobility: https://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus4/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/113223/file/113223.pdf
Extraterritoriale Schutzpflichten und ihre Entfaltung
Extraterritoriale Schutzpflichten und ihre Entfaltung – dargestellt am Beispiel des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs im Kontext der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Bei extraterritorialem Handeln stellen sich Fragen nach der Geltung grundrechtlicher Schutzpflichten. Wenn Projekte im Rahmen der Entwicklungsarbeit die Verwirklichung sexueller und reproduktiver Gesundheit und Rechte fördern, ist der deutschen Staat auch bei seinem auswärtigen Handeln mit dem Grundrechtskonflikt bei einem Schwangerschaftsabbruch konfrontiert. Allerdings verfolgen manche Partnerländer ein liberaleres Regelungskonzept als die Bundesrepublik. Eine schlichte Übertragung der für Inlandssachverhalte aufgestellten Maßstäbe zur Auflösung der Kollisionslage zwischen dem Schutz des ungeborenen Lebens und den Rechten der schwangeren Person entspricht dabei weder der Extraterritorialität des Handelns noch der Genese der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Vielmehr unterliegen Entstehung, Inhalt und Kontrolldichte grundrechtlicher Schutzpflichten.
Climate Change and Conflicts - an innovative approach to interdisciplinary teaching and learning
The aim of this approach is to develop and discuss a common understanding of the links between climate and conflict, to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and cooperation, and to raise awareness of the complex interrelationships between environmental, socio-economic and legal factors that influence conflicts between groups, countries, institutions or individuals.