VII International Congress of Dialectology and Sociolinguistics (CIDS)

Call for Papers


VII International Congress of Dialectology and Sociolinguistics (CIDS)


Theme: Encounters, Contacts and Variation
Date: October 8-11, 2024
Location: Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany



The organizing committee of the VII International Congress of Dialectology and Sociolinguistics (CIDS) is pleased to announce its seventh edition, scheduled to take place at the University of Augsburg, in Augsburg, in the state of Bavaria, Germany, from October 8 to 11, 2024. The CIDS continues its tradition of fostering discussions among researchers, educators, and students engaged in dialectological and sociolinguistic studies.


The focus of this year's congress is on the dynamics that arise from the encounter of speakers from different cultures and languages. Submissions exploring the multifaceted aspects of linguistic diversity, change, and variation, with a special emphasis on linguistic contact, are welcome.
Proposals for papers in the field of dialectology and sociolinguistics, involving Romance languages and their contact languages, as well as creole languages with a Romance lexical base, will be accepted. Oral presentations will have a duration of 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes for discussion).
Individual Communications
Abstracts can be written in Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Spanish, French, German, Italian, or English, with a minimum limit of 250 and a maximum of 500 words, excluding references and possible examples; they must be anonymous and sent in Word and PDF format, with the title - abstract - (examples) - bibliographic references, to the following email:


Do not mention your name in the abstract. In the header (subject) of the email, write "Abstract CIDS 2024"; in the body of the email, include the following information: author(s), academic affiliation, contact email address(es), title of the abstract and, if possible, indicate the desired subject area.



Round Tables
Each proposed round table should consist of:
  • a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 participants;
  • 1 responsible/moderator, who can also present a communication;

Proposals should include:


  • Title of the round table;
  • Abstract of the table's theme with up to 300 words;
  • Names and email address of participants and organizer(s) with the title and abstract of each paper (250 to 500 words);
Abstracts can be written in Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, Spanish, French, German, Italian, or English, with a minimum limit of 250 and a maximum of 500 words, excluding references and possible examples; they must be anonymous and sent in Word and PDF format, with the title - abstract - (examples) - bibliographic references, to the following email:


Do not mention your name in the abstract. In the header (subject) of the email, write "Roundtable_Resume CIDS 2024"; in the body of the email, include the following information: name(s) of the organizer(s); author(s), academic affiliation, contact email address(es), title of the roundtable, title of the abstracts and, if possible, indicate the desired thematic area.

© Universität Augsburg

The event poster features a painting by the renowned artist Moritz Rugendas, born in Augsburg. In addition to visiting other countries in Latin America, he also traveled through Brazil, depicting the population and nature of the country in the 18th century. The selected painting depicts a visit by a group of indigenous people to a farm in Minas Gerais, thus establishing a connection between Brazil and Augsburg and the congress theme in the painter's biography and work.

Topics of interest

  • Linguistic Atlas of Brazil Project - ALiB
  • Dialectology and sociolinguistics
  • Language contacts and contact-induced variation
  • Diversity and plurilingualism
  • Language policies
  • Linguistic change
  • Teaching strategies in the context of linguistic variation and plurilingualism
  • Dialectal dictionaries

Important dates and information

  • Abstract submission deadline: extended for the second and last time until 30.04.2024
  • Acceptance notification: from 15th May 
  • Congress dates: 8-11 October 2024
  • Registration fee to be paid after acceptance: €80 per person

Honored Keynote Speakers

  • Dermeval da Hora, Federal University of Paraíba
  • Felício Wessling Margotti, Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Rosario Álvarez Blanco, University of Santiago de Compostela
  • Silvia Figueiredo Brandão, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Susanne M. Michaelis, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology/Leipzig University & Nick Palfreyman, University of Central Lancashire
  • Thomas Krefeld, LMU Munich
